Saturday, March 12, 2011
6:27 PM
Standing strong and fierce , ♥Strong eh ? emmm, oh yea . kindaaa. i dont knw why, but today been missing StupidBoy . *slaps face . i may be missing him but then, i still keep this hatred feelings towards him because of the way he left me . *slaps face . ok shut up eh . you knw why i've been slapping my face ? coz i told my friends whenever i talk about him, slap me . but then it doesnt work . but wow, i cn brave myself to get tht slaps to forget about him , but i still cant ~ the more i get slapped, i will think about him more and my hopes to frget him fades and i'll think of him moreee ~ the thing is, its not tht i hate him but i'm scared to fall for him once more afterall seeing him left me just like tht . i texted him for sometime but he NEVER bothers to reply . maybe he has someone else . i knew he does, but atleast reply, i wanna knw how he have been doing . i may have posted smthg on my status in fb about someone else but tht doesnt mean i have moved on . i havent YET . haiyaaa :/ about A, he's similar to F . god damn it, wherever he stays, his attitude is the same as Stupid boy . A lives in woodlands, but around admiralty . so does Stupidboy kan ? oh tak eh ? A's attitude of going to training late, his attitude of getting hungry aftr training, and his attitude of choosing to eating at home rather thn outside is the same as StupidBoy . stupidboy does all that . he used to . everytime i talk to A, cnfrm Stupidboy appear in my mind . then how am i supposed to move on . :/ A is sweet but then the way he jokes around with me, i dont like . we're not even in a relationship but he treats me tht way . furthermore i dont knw him well yet . i dont love him . i've never met him before . but now, Stupidboy still in heart . i told my self i hate stupidboy, i've moved on but it seemed tht its just that i'm afraid to love him again . i did everythng with stupidboy, whatever i've been thru with stupidboy, is different than anyone else's . going out for movies with him, held hands tight, the moment he asked me to be his was special, far more special than the rest but stupidboy is just the guy who sometimes flirt . If, i were to have accepted how he is and who he is, i bet we're gonna last but this jealousy of mine was also the cause of the ruin of our relationship . but then smthg worst tht made us seperate . he told me he have to but why are you so fast in getting a new girl, boy :') it hurts me deep enough . hmms :/ Stupidboy, if you're reading this, text me . tell me you still care, you still love me . and youre reading this . i still love you but pls support me to move on :') but pls dont hurt me . at least, i want us to still be friends, close of friends, best friends
♥ takecare . :D
I'll stand strong , ♥
Saturday, March 5, 2011
11:43 PM
Cute kan die ? die StupidBoy saye . once he is my StupidBoy, always will do . ♥I'm back people . i've not been updating si yea, i'm back . i realized how much i have abandoned this blog :/ i bet no one views this anymore cause it got real dead . real dead . well, this post is actualyy for my
Stupidboy :') if you've noticed, i'm back to my single life :'/ OMG, i cant believe he really broke the promise . he broke my heart real hard this time . he left me .
StupidBoy, do you still rmbr us ? whatever your reasons were for letting us go, i admit it, it hurts alot . i didnt believe you at first but then, that hurt i felt was cured by just believing you . yet, it still hurts . how much we did tgthr everytime we met, its like i wished i would rewind time back and said no the first time you asked me to be yours . coz i felt this, if we were bestfriends, its much more better, dear . hmms :'/i've been crying out for days because of you . do you still think of me ? do you still love me ? do you miss us ? i always thought of it . or have you moved on ? if you have, i bet i'm stupid to still wait . i knew now tht you're that person who flirts . i wished i didnt have to meet you when we have the first eyecntct, coz tht is when i fell in love,
♥ . coz if i have rewind those times, and reject everythng, i wouldnt have hurt this much . i didn't regret us, i swear i didnt but the fact that you let go hurts too much . real pain in me . yesterday night, i dint went home , nobody opened the door for me . they pretended they didnt hear me knocking . i went to Grandma's house . while walking there, i realized how much pain i have been facing without you here . and tht night itself, i went through almost all those places we spent our time tgthr at, and memories flashed back . every single tear came gushing out of my eyes . good thing nobody realizes .. hmms, you came into my life with a big meaning to me, and you left me in pain .. do you knw today was the worst ? i cried the whole day, still thinking of you . hoping that you were still here . eventhough i tried to accept the fact tht we're over, i still cant . i really forced a smile, but tears flow . i forced to laugh, but only tears and pain in my heart :/ if i alr gotten over you, i've given my num to ppl, get tgthr with other guys, laugh my days out . but no, i'm not doing it sayaang . i still really do love you like no one's business . i just hope everything went smoothly before and we're still tgthr, but now, everythng is done :/ why oh why ? for whatever it is, please still rmbr me, love me, miss me eventhough i am not around . when you want to forget abt us, rmbr the times you tried holding on ♥ now, i tell you, please make a great choice, choose that girl wisely . and that girl is lucky to have you . and please dont hurt her like how you did to me . StupidBoy, i still love you BigPiggy Galahboy .
101210, still remains in heart . ♥
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
9:56 PM
kaaay, i'm in school :) i'm basically bored . having art lesson now but i have nothing to do . too baaad :P heees ^^, i've not been updating blog . i'm so sorry i made you wait for my new post, have i ? errrr, so sorrry ~ i got nowhere to go . mt after this . i have yet to do my assignment .. but it has got to do with our parents' reaction :) new comp leeyyy this school . great !tsktsktsk :) tataaa , see you again , naak try masok facebook :D gaaaah . hopefully caan eh lovely people ? pray for me ^^,
Monday, January 3, 2011
10:23 PM
yeaaa, i've not been updating my blog but for now, i will . here we go ~
Woke up at 11+ and texted Love . went back to sleep since Love was sleepy too . woke up at 2 coz Ibu called . went to the toilet and showered . Ibu went back home and i got ready and we went out to JP . arrived at JP, went to the third floor and bought 3 tickets to 3D Gullivers' Travel . when i was saying to he person, i got stuck coz i forgot the title already :/ yikes ! oops then blablabla . went around until it reached 4 and we bought popcorn . went into the theatre at 4:15 . before tht, took pictures with Izzat . went in, took the 3D glasses and wear . SNAP ! hees . the show start . the squirrel partm was so cuteeee ~ weee :D overall was AWESOME . so, the show finished and we went to LJS to eat . was hungry yeaa . while walking towards LJS . Somehow, everybody was like staring at me . i asked Ibu whether i have anything on my face but she said nthg . even she agreed tht ppl's staring at me one by one . when i was about to enter LJS , these two guys stared at me -.- jeleng and no wonder they were staring at me, Hannah was with them . Hannah taak tegur lerr . next time must call my name :) i was tired, i cant possibly really looked at ppl's face . so yeaa, before the movie i thought of buying slippers but i forgot about it . went home and prayed . went to the shop and bought my hair dye . quarelled with Love , whatever -.- and i dyed back my hair . so dark leerrr . dont like but atleast still got colour . packed my beg abnd done . now, i MUST sleep . must not be worried about anything . and i am lazy to entertain shits laah LOVE . arhhh ~~ bye . NIGHTS .
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
9:08 PM
Saturday, December 25, 2010
8:47 AM
Sweetest ;can i say i'm lazy to upload a thing ? this blog have been so deaaaaaaddd . thats because of my laziness . OMG , trust me, i'm beginning to start being so damn lazy . gaaaah . waaduh . weird people . hmms :/ my yesterday's attitude was so fat attitude . perangai org gemok . gaaah . eyra slept over :D weee, was fun . gaaah ! tak laah sunyi sangat mlm tadi .
grrr, i'm bored . kay laah bye :)
Monday, December 20, 2010
10:44 PM