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Suzila , we were once close but why now we're drifting ? is it me who is in the wrong ? we are now neither fighting nor baek-ing . we're just not talking . hmphh , maybe today i wasnt talking to you at all but that doesnt mean we are fighting kan ? merepek lahh ehh . bt fyi , i dun love him anymore kaeyy ? hmphh . no use lahh ehh . tady i was in a bad mood as for you to know . i was thinking of everything . mungken aku tk dpt bilang kau apehh jady but its nt because i hate you but because im still not ready to tell you coz it will led out my tears . tady , recess pon i wasnt even being hyper because i was making my decision . i was thinking of what really going to be my future . i was full with tears in my eyes but i stopped it from dripping because i dont want anybody to ask . i was not satisfied with whatsoever reasons . i was upset with ______ . i'm angry with someone else . but what im upsetting about was really a hard thing for me to forgive . if you're reading this , i want to know im sorry . i knw im nt the one you should be going to instead, Aisha is betterthan me . kaeyy ?
Farina , thankyou for having to care bout me . without you , im sure i'll be drench with tears . hmphh , its over over lahh . i knw bt now im really over him . only having feelings for him as a friend . hmphh . antare due laki i dun knw ___ ataw ___ . hmphh im confused . bt i knw my feelings for _____ dahh tkde .
Aisha , takecaree of suzila , can ? im nt the one who is good of having to takecare of her . you can layan her better . thanks for those 7 months of frenship. 230109 (:
The rest . im sorry if ive done wrong okeayy ?
_____ , ex , im already nt thinking of you , sukehh ? and btw , im nt fighting with suzila over you . its no use fighting over a guy . tk gune . kerje bodoh jehh lahh . pompan sumehh cnfrm agree kn ? hmphh just takecare and no naughty naughty (:
Abang , i knw you've been reading my blog . welcome (: hmphh . biler2 i want to tell you something about him .. i meant our family member (one of them) , ive been keeping smth and i think skrg masenye adk dpt blg . hmphh . and, adk dpt phone alek bler ? hehh . last but not least , last long and happy2 nan die taw . no naughty naughty (: hoho . takecaree (:
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!
yeayy , sunday . i cabot ________ . the day before tht, i called farina several times bt she wasnt picking up her phne . so i was panicking as none of my close frens was coming to madrasah . so i msged ______, asked if she could accompany me cabot . hpmphh . tkleyy plak diehh *disappointed*. then the day after that which is sunday , at 7++ am , i was awaken by mummy's voice waking me up . i was stubborn to stand up to get ready for ________ and she pulled my hand and dragged me from my room to the master bed toilet . wahh . i was still closing my eyes , then mum did something , then i am awake ! lol . when bathing, FARINA anakku was calling me several times. was funny when i heard her story telling my dad smth . hahahahahahah . *tkperlu* then after bathing , called her and we met at her busstop . went to the nearest mac , changed clothes. then farina was like covering her mouth and nose when i was changing clothes coz the toilet was damn oh so smelly . huhu^^. bawuu chewing/bubble gum pon adr tawtaw . haha ! then bought our food . kekek things happened . farina ate so fast . see , she's not that lady-like ! hahah ! fake . she baek lahh eyhh *fake* ! hahaha . leklekk . then went to her house . i'm disguised as syafiqah based on some reasons . see , anak surohh mak tipu sakk ! hoho, kekek . we were like tahaning our laughter when i say my name is syafiqah . decided to go swimming and its diff for farina to go and she said smth which she wasnt supposed to and i was shocked okeayy shocked . farina farina . *gelengs kepale* kayy then went swimming , ate paw and farina ate *insertfoodhere*, tak tawuu lahh apehh bende ! diam ! then went her house . nobody at home , and guess what , farina washed her swimming costume while i was there talking , finding for food to eat . hehehehe . bt at least i helped in washing 1/2 of the laundry ? chehh laundry sehh . then finished , i goreng hotdog and fries to eat ! then on TKS,TKD song loudly and singalong . haha , then farina straighten my hair and it was like cantek . thnk you anakku , haha , wa hyper and we went off to lepak with pipit , wan , haled . when we wanted to open the door , iwas scared coz the nenek tue came into my mind and farina was like rolling her eyes . i saw that ! hehe ! then when we reached blok pipit , we were there firrst bt sharifah and co. joined us bt went off soon , then pipit and co . came . farina was called baby by wan . farina attch luhh . padehal2 . penipu nyehh anak ! chehh . tk lahh . then went off . haha . back home , rest .
Ini exciting jgak luhh . tapy tk seinteresting cam smlm . haha ! aftr sch , went farina's aunty house . to meet up with her . we bought some things. we're a so spender . pat pasar pon jady hahah . then went to blok pipit to lpk with suzila , ___ , pipit , wan , haled , hairi . hahha . kaeyy something happend . i was told to do the promise which i had made last time . but i thought it was only for last time *insertsangryface* hmphh . then biler dorang tk tgk , i did it . and when finished they didnt knw , and they start saying ' eyhh , dahh ? biler kaw buat ? gy buat lagy , kiter tk nmpk ' sakk ajehh , then went off coz police was rounding there . haha ! kekek . then go home luhh finish .
nothing much , i didnt lepak coz anakku tersayang , farina wasnt lepaking bt nvrmind lahh . its okeayy lagy pon i want rest at home .
kaeyy its today ! wahh happy ? today went to beside jyc to leklek ajehh . found out somethng tht i knw will hppn . *tkpehhlahhface* then ___ came ! haha . he took my book and borrowed a pen and draw my name . haha , jap jap biler org tgk , nanty stop and say *jangan tgk luhh !* haha . kekek . then ended up the drawing is my name and a big heartshape around it . cantek taww . huhu^^ then wanted to go home , he wanted to giv me somethng bt nahh i dun want then suzila and farina , anakk-anakkku, forced me to bt i didnt want so be it . went back with farina, ros , sharifah , and iwan , they accompannied me to yunnan to buy things for tmrw's test and then we went seperate ways . me , farina, ros went to my hse while the rest went sumwhere else . made milo for farina and ros . and ate banana which farina says it ___'s ____ , hahah ! she said tht maybe loud ? but isit heard by my mother ? ohohhh !!!!!! chehh . then now im here (: nice ?
hmphh . i guess farina says its right .
if you actually like him why dont you just tell me/us .
rather than i gt to knw it by myself and i am hurt more .
you knw tht ? it just hurt me badly .
why did you side boys more than you side your own kawan yg paleng rapat to you .
i guess you sedar yourself if you knw im referring to you *pointstoyou*
Missed it
sangat sangat . change topic . today at school was quite boring . kaeyy itu jehh . cheyhh tk lahh . pt class maths paleng kecohh . campak bola sane syniee . cikgu mane adr kesahh cume bgy warning ajeh . haha . i didnt join . good gerl lahh eyhh . cam paham lahh niee pompan . foohh ! kaeyy luh smpi di sini . and i wanna say i miss two person right now !
huhu ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((:
pnjg ? cheyhh! diam !
Yourstruly ,
malam , ku tidur tk lena
teringat kn dirimu ,
terimbas kembali kenangan lalu
alangkah indahnya bersamamu.
mengalir air mataku , menemani malam sepiku .
ku rindu saat bersamamu
sukarnya untukku melupakan muu ,
ohh _____ (extra mine)
Yours truly ,
apeyhh lagy eyhh ? ahh , i patched and broken up again , sungguh lahh sgtsgt sedeyhh .
if you're reading this , i just wanna tell you i still do love you and tk mampu melepaskan you dan kehilangan you . tk pernah teringin untuk melepaskan you tapy segalenye telah berubah . kalaw memang i annoyed you , i mintak maaf . i tawuu i banyak susahkn you tapy i tk pernah untuk berniat untuk you hidup dlm stressed and confused . i care for you , i tk nk you berubah . jgn tindik sumerhh , please dgr kate i . dulu , u pernah tnye i bleyy tindek sumerhh ? bt i say no and you followed but now when you left me , you bukak balek tindek you . hmphh . i guess idw to interfere with your life anymore , pendek kate , i miss having to be around you , i miss your love and i still do love you . dont ever leave me , to 'clearen' the sentence , jangan pernah berhenti menjadi kwn i.
byee .
Yours truly ,
' Tak ku sangka, tak ku duga