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sayang you sgtsgt taw b, btw. hehehe. ((:
like wow isnt it. today, i slept for the whole four periods.
was really sleepy and cannot tahan the sleepy-ness. lol.
bio and maths are easy for me to sleep in class like finally,
my head was also really in pain these days. haiyoo, apehh niee?
family made me really stress.
ive just finished crying ): im too overly stressed by this situation.
tkleyy take it..... bt i have to move on. hmphh.
cant wait for tmrw. dun knw why? maybe,
because of dpt kuwa dari rumah niee?
hmphh, really muak tgk mukehh ______ pt rumah niee. menyakitkan ajehh..
haishh! gtg, byee!
Where are you?
as you can see, nw i'm really nt in a gd mood. boyf went out without bringing his phne. and i do nt knw where he is right nw. hmphh. smbdy msged me to inform me abt him. smbdy from his family i guess? i am really feeling guilty. its all my fault. hmphh. just now fought with farina, thts why was in a bad mood, bt berbaek2 alr(: skrg plak..boyf nyehh hal. haiyoo. i really regretted marah diehh tady. gtg lahh kn, byee(:
to Kak Fyana : ive done it yeahh (:
to Ria : helloh (:
to Eiyzaa : what do you mean by youre the nicest kid on the block? hehh?
to Shasyaa : okeayy suree. i will online soon.
to Dora : what u mean 'the things'? hehe.
to Farinaa : lek uhh lek.
to Iwan : tk mungken tuu farina. IP address tk samehh luhh.
and to passerby(rina)? : sapehh nk step cantek niee skrg. akw tk stepping niee sumehh lahh ehh, sapehh nk katehh papehh akw step ke apehh ke memang, tuu korang nyehh sluar dlm. akw dahh mls nk amek kesah psl niee sumehh. kalaw masehh nk continuee gyni lagyk, wasting your time ajehh. akw mls nk carik hal/buat hal. gy mampos sudahh, tk perluu maki uhh ehh. kalaw org nk carik psl nan kwn akw aruu akw carik bdk tuu. phm? so kalaw nk carik hal nan akw, tkyahh sudahh, buang masehh kaw ajehh (: akw bobal baekk2 taw niee skrg. akw dahh naek mendak layan org yg gynieegyniee sumehh. adehh phm tk? okeayy best.
lets start my day .
a very bad day for everyone as what i can see from my observation. most people have problems and have a bad day. hmphh, from my day... there's this girl named Barney kenehh from me and umaira. we fought. hah. diehh step satsat jehh nan akuu. nk buat hal jehh tawuu. tlg uhh ehh, tkmo ganggu kwnkwn akw. behh when i talked to her, she talked big uhh pehh sehh. kenehh pekek dari kitehh, padan mukehh. behh cm rasehh nk tarek jehh tetek diehh, haha. the chinese teacher of my school were like looking at us. jgn kepohh! cheehh, then she went in to sch, people said she cried! gelak byk byk! hahahahahahaha. then blah3 went home, mataer and me gaduhh jap. hmphh, slalu gyniee. then settled.
recess time, i found out smth from my friend yg barney nyehh name pt paper diehh sblh nyehh , diehh ltk 369. apehh makne tuu? hahahahahaha! gelakgelak, then normal lssns. more and more people started calling me yutyut in sch especially mataer nyehh kwn. ishh! tkpehh tkpehh. then aftr sch oral, then YOG. YOG was boring! it was just a carnival. like wth. so me, faizha, hanis and the1t1 gerls lpk lpk pt memorial nyehh tmpt. then suddenly this one guy mintak num, then i say dahh attch, diehh jln. hohoho^^ thn maghrib, we went to esplanade toilet. we went by underground nyehh tmpt. then suddenly farah called diana then i thought me, then i say 'sapehh panggel akw?' then all ran up back! i was like huhhh??? hahahaha! then went down back. went to the toilet, sumehh kecohh rbk! went to the memorial tmpt tuu alek. dudok dudok, bunge api. then dpt bad news! i was really mad at bf! hmphh! then time to go home, waited for bus, this indian guy from chestnut mintak num when i was really in a bad mood, then i just geleng kepalehh. went into bus, slept for a while. woken up by faizah. alight from the bus, accompanied hanis and faizah while waiting for their family member to pick them up. hanis gone first. then i told faizah to wait pt my bwh block bt ended up going to my house. leklek then antar her to her uncle. then went up back. by the time i went up, its alr like 11 uhh gytuu. then msg bf, told him smth, adviced him.. then went to bed. haiyoo . thats all (: enjoy your day.
today was normal. going out jap later on woth farina. goodbyee (:
-Attached (:
2.Do you have a person you like ?
- Love adehhlahh .
3. What is the name of the person that you're in love with?
-find out yourelf .
4. if the person you love and your mum dropped into the sea,who will you save?
- Both coz they are mine , and i cant see one of them die .
5.Have you ever hugged someone before?
-yes .
6. Do you love your parents?
-Yes .
7.Will you hug the one you love?
-Yes .
8.Are you willing to do anything for your boyfriend/girlfriend?
-of course unless otherwise .
9.Are you jealous now?
-maybe yes , maybe not .
10.Who is the last person that messaged you?
- Sayang (:
11. Who is your clique?
- Of course my friends :)
12.Do you want babies in future?
- Of course .
13.Do you prefer Macdonald,KFC,Long John Sliver,Burger King or coffee shop?
-Macdonald .
14.Do you sniff glue?
-no !
15.Do you smoke?
-No !
16.If your boyfriend/girlfriend is a 2-timer,what will you do?
-Just break up with him and give a tight slap !
18.If you're rich, what'll you do?
-shopping , save , shoppng !
19.If the one you're in love with, held your hand, what'll you do?
-stare into his eyes and ..........
20. If the one you love, reject you, what'll you do?
- cry but i'll move on .
21.What is your favourite cartoon character/s?
- idk .
22.Friendship or Love?
- Both.
23.Cookie monster or Elmo?
- Elmo. you use laptop or computer?
25.Do you like lollipop?
-not really .
26.Do you have a diary?
27.There's an admirer of yours and he won't die heart, what'll you do?
-wad do u mean ?
28.If you quarrel with your boyfriend/girlfriend and he/she wants to break, what'll you do?
- i begged him not to and ask for frogivenes .bt if he insisted then , ill just have to move on ..
29. Are you blur?
-at times
30.If you can have your hair dyed, what colour do you want it to be?
-golden higlights uh sey !
31. Who is the last person you chatted in your MSN?
- lydia .
.32.How many boys/girls have you beaten before?
-slap ajehh lahh .
33.If your boyfriend/girlfriend don't love you anymore, what'll you do?
-ask for a break ?
34. What school are you in?
-Hua yi sec school .
35. Tag 10 besties or friends to do this quiz:
- shasyaa
-fafa gyler
-jun rong
phone is spoilt so if i dun reply your msgs or unable to reach my line , understand me can ? hehehe ! alritee (: thankyou veryvery much lahh kn ! any emergency just find a way to msg me , pndi pndi lahh kaw !
weii helloh .
its 9th of august ! omgomg!
guess who's birthday it is today !
huhuhuhu . its my bro's and singapore's .
happy happy birthday !
to brother : happy bday tawtaw , soriy no present . no money lahh kn . have a great 15th bday and remember no matter what you're my bestest brother i have ever had . i'll always be here for you ! haha, kaeyy ini da macam paham ! oops ! haha , diam sudah . smoge panjang umur yehh ! hehehe .
to Singapore : nothin to say but happy bday . *tuu kaw nyehh sluar dalam* hehehe , shut up .
as for now , im being bored and is missing that boy , yes him . bt fyi , we're nt stead okeayy ? hehe . single bt unavailable . i tell you abt him . we first started to love each other then he began to start busy and nt msg me that much so i thought he doesnt love me anymore so i moved on and i was somebody else's and when he gt to knw , he was disappointed . we dun msg that much . we acted like as if we hav nothing before bt my heart was still having feelings for him . weeks later , i broke up and i started to tell him and he was there to cheer me up . then my feelings for him began to bloom again . one day , i was going off to malaysia . i will be overnight-ing there so before that i msged him . when i reached malaysia , i was unable to msg him anymore . at night, i went thru my msgs and kept on reading his msg over and over again . and i wrote a msg confessing my feelings bt then i deleted it coz im scared he dun have any feelings for me anymore . i just acted normally like as if this feeling never happened . next day , back in singapore , i didnt msg him that much . the next day , faizah told me to follow her coz she want to show something to me and when i found out that something, i almst cried . coz you know why ? he msged her saying that he is still thinking of me , waiting for me . i was really touched . die btol2 setie to me . i msged him , telling him everything too , and we both get together as like before bt nt stead . and now , there's something faizah told me bt cannot be reveal here .
to faizah : as for you . thank you so much for the help . you're my bestest fren that had ever helped me for this kind of situation (:
and as for myself , i'm really regretting to have stead with sumone after him that time . i should actually understand him for once .. i love you (: i miss you . im kind of sick because of missing you . i need you here .
amacam , baekk ? hehee . i know ive not been updating this blog . you know why ? because of laziness . hehehe . dun angry angry uhh . i was seriously lazy lahh sgtsgt . now its like 12 midnight exactly (: wow . and i cant sleep , missing him . hmphh . today didnt msg him that much stakat 2-5 messages . very little kn ?i called him 15 minutes ago and the line went off and after that , i called him , he didnt answer. guess he's sort today (: hehe . kaeyy lets talk abt today .actually , yesterday i was otp with him for like hours ? until i made him sleep coz he really need a rest . haha , degel taw diehh , susah nk disuroh tdo . then he asked me to follow him jamming then i agree bt today , tk jady . i went to lib while he go jamming . then , tmrw continue can ?