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i'm not going to talk abt him on and on and on. u'll cnfrm be bored and irritated th uu won't read or visit this blogg no more.
well,, hmphh.. reached schh at around 7.20. hahah(: hppyy for one moment ahkk. for me to know,, and for uu to find out. hehehe(: then,, go ISH, assembly,, go class.. lessons as per usual. ii was not feeling well at ine moment where ii kept on sneezing and sneezing.. ahkk,, lemahh. then finished schh,, saw one missed call from someone,, then mcgg,, go bubbletea to buyy food. then met the others pt 401 then slackk. then after tht go jyc.. blahblahblahhh.. whatsoever. then go 401. was supposed to meet this person but cancelled sehh(: hppy(: uu knw whyy? coz ii tired(: heheheheh. then 6+ went to send umaira and the rest pt bustop then ii go home. then reached here.
yahh,, ii know my storyy is damn boring. coz ii didnt tell uu the full storyyy. haiyooo. malas.
am not feeling well because of terlaluu pk kn barang sumehhh! stress. i feel like going to have a fever. my throat hurts,, my nose is blocked and i'm errr.
to be continued..
as ii was saying,, and i'm totallyy cnfused lahhh! ii feell like giving up.
okayokayy. todayy got sports heat. like wth ! paisehh siaa whenn ii run. coz myy stupid damn it shoe fell off. and ii got last. stupidstupidstupid. hahah! okayy/ just a short post coz nt feeling well ahhhkk. thinking of him sucks coz it makes me feel like stress and confused and meranehh uu knw! errrr -.- stupid damn it stress. he don't knw how ii felt so he didnt knw lahh. he don't even care coz by the wayy he talked to this someone abt me says so. 'biar ahkk' wth? okayy,, shhh.
sueyy ahkk niaryy. okayy lets talk. ii dint go schh coz not feeling well. since sundayy sioww. then ii went doctors'. somebodyy accompanied me to the doctors' uhkk(: that person was so sweet. then aftr tht go home,, tht person sent me to my bustop. then we went our seperate ways. reached home,, eat food then eat medicine. fyi,, the medicine was like suckishh. it bluekk! cn make ppl die uu knw! then go rest,, slept for a few hours. gt a call from friend. fina wanted to visit me coz she dont hv ppl to go withh but ii dint allow her coz ii wanna rest and sleep. sorreyyy(: then got another call from ira,, she asked me to go slack bt ii dont want but since ii gt to knw she gt no mood,, ii sensed smthh bad. so ii go meet them. checckk2 adehh hal ahkk. then we settle2. byk hal sioww niaryy. sueyyy ahkk. haiyoo. don't know whichh pihakk btol. apehh nieyy peng storyyy -.- sumehh hal pcl peng storyy. okayy then go sit down,, slck,, then go bck at 5.15. soryy to tht someone coz ii didnt get to go withh uu. adehh hal pnyehh pcl. my kwn sehh,, tkkn nk biarkn kan. tpyy hal kecyqq jekk. tpyy kesian sehhh. okayy now i'm typing here (: mendakk.
i'm confused lahh kepos! my love for him is fading. coz uu knw whyy? coz my hopes are fading and fading as ii gt to knw everythng, wth. uu never did to me like this for this long. -.- how hurt ii am uu don't even ccare. wth. kalauu tawuu i'm referring to uu,, boyy,, alhamdulillahh. errr. two person again. two person in my heart,, coz uu were never be there for me. my hopes for uu are fading. ii dont love uu now,, coz ii like uu. my love for uu arent there anymore. onlyy like. now two ppl dearies.. two ppl. everytime ii thnk of my ex,, ii feel sad. bt when ii thnk of this other one person,, my heart beats faster than before. errrrr! ahkk. shhhh. i'm getting better bt worser. understand kn lahh! haiyoo ! byebye.
tag me yaw!
I really am sorryy.. i've been feeling down since tht dayy. ii don't know. i'm lost. i'm definitelyy in love withh you. yes,, onlyy youu. i am now confident tht u're myy onlyy love. i've always thought of uu. i've never loved,, waited,, missed someone like you,, like now before. i told myself,, uu were the onlyy one all these while. ii won't be able to let uu go.. forever,, yes,, forever.. ii can't. coz i'm truly in love withh uu. withh faithfulness,, withh pureness. there's no one else. let me repeat,, no one else but youu.
knpehh saat ii btol2 cintehhkn uu.. iniyy ygg ii dpt. iniyy kehh balasannyehh. ii btol2 inginkn uu.. cintehhkn uu.. tpyy kalauu memang ii terpksehh melepaskn uu,, ii akn tpyy cintehh ii padehh uu tkkn terlepas. mungkin ii bkn pompan ygg uu inginkn slamehh iniyy.. ii redha. mungkin dahh adehh pompan ygg laenn ngahh tungguukn uu and sesuayy untokk uu.. ii relehh.. kalauu memang uu cintehhkn diehh.. beryykn diehh setulus cintehh uu..
as i'm writng this,, tears keep on flowing. i'd just wishh i could slashh again,, but ii cant coz ii promised him,, promised A.S. ii will,, keep my promises to uu.. and yeahh, i'm listening to 'mimpyy indahh' byy baronbros. its for him.. ii reallyy am in love withh youu,, boyy! and i'm sorryy. ii really want us bck,, but ii cnt force anything. ii would just hope everythng goes smoothlyy. thoughh there will be heartbreaks,, cries,, joys and laughters..
ii want you to knw,, ii will wait for uu, even if it takes years. but i'll just let days pass,, and let my true love come. coz ii gave up in love,, but my love for uu never gave up. understand what ii said.. ii still love you..
and i'm sorryy.. ii missed you.. theres no one here withh me who could lend their shouders for me but uu.. ii need uu..
takecare. sorryy i've not been updating. staying at my grandmother's house for this while.(: just text me.
am fed up withh uu! papehh uhkk papehh. mawuu babetkn kwn,, sumehh nieyy decision akuu pehhh. skrgg tgkk ahkk ehkk,, papehh. dahh cukop ahkk cukop. manehh kauu tawuu,, manehh kauu kesahh. papehhlahh. tkmohh biar akuu dgr kauu carykk akuu. biar orgg laenn carykk akuu tpyy akuu tknk dgr kauu ygg carykk akuu. bye!
PANTAT! no mood. stress. mind totallyy cocked up.
ii wanna cry. cryy a million tears. million of tears can't explain everything. but all ii wanna do is shut up and live a very unstressful life. i've had enough of love. what the hell is love? stupid love. idiotic love. play love. young love. what ii know is love sucks! even if i'm single,, love still exist in my heart. people say single is better. but no,, attched is better coz uu cn onlyy have one person to love. and thts better. but all ii want to do now is onlyy love one. who is that one person? him or him or him or him or him. ii shall not find,, ii shall not think of it for this tymee being coz ii wanna let it just come to me and ii shall not worry. let people love me,, let people hate me,, let people talk all they want but i'll just let myself wait for my one love to walk pass me and really look into my eyes and sayy ily and shall it be true or not,, i'll know. coz once,, i've experienced it.. the tymee when ii sat withh him and he reallyy stared into my eyes and sayy ily infront of them. coz that point of tymee, ii knew he would love me.. all ii wanted to do now.. is just meet him and tell everything to him abt my feelings. i've regretted going out withh other guys aftr we broke up. i've regretted.. days passed.. life changes.. feelings changed. but myy love for him stil isnt fading. if ii could just tell him how ii feel.. ii would and ii would just wait for him and reallyy look into myy eyes again and sayy ily.. and hug me and never let me go.. coz he's the person who took away my first kiss. all what ii wanted.. he took away.. but my mistakes ruin everything. ii know! dont tell me! ii knw tht i'm stupid! regretted. i totally regretted. ii knw.. and nw,, todayy, 15 march wil be the happiest and sadddest dayy perhaps.. maybe ii should take this as a learning point. a learning point i'll never forget. and a mistake pathh ii shall never walk on again. ii need someone. a person who could love me. a person ii love.. a person who has no condition towards his love for me.. all this while,, i'm expecting him to be tht one person.. and for all ii knw,, people said uu want me backk,, uu still love me.. but its nt tymee yet.. ii would just wishh.. on 21/01/10.. uu will rmbr our dayy.. the day we gt together.. and on 21/03/10 uu would meet me and just continue our love again and really stare into myy eyes and sayy uu love me.. and all this while,, ii was talking abt ahmad.. yes,, ahmad. he is the one ii love. and stil hoping he would be mine bck. i'll just have to wait. ii still love youu..
reallyy look into myy eyes and then u'll realize how muchh ii love uu and need youu.. i knw i am cnfused of who ii like.. but if ii were to see uu hppy withh another girl,, i'll be hpppy for uu bt am upset to myself. whyy can't ii have uu? am ii stupid? am ii not perfect enoughh to have youu? am ii uglyy for uu? maybe youu have feelings for anyy other girl but let me tell uu,, ii like youu. wait for the date 13/03/10.. then one of uu will knw who ii really love among bothh of uu. ain't using anyy of uu for spare tyre. but ii am still cnfused of who ii like.. perhaps,, its not the time for me to cnfess to uu now.. coz i still need tymee to thnk over everythiong. the causes,, the consequences.. don't look into my eyes and sayy ily too if uu don't mean it coz ii nvr want to knw u're lying coz it will hurt me deeply..
To a:
thnks for caring for me all this while. thoughh how uu treated me after the break up was sadding for me,, ii still am cnfused of uu. the moment uu held my hand too look at smthh,, i'm hppyy enoughh. i'd just wishh uu will not let go of it.. and just hold as tightlyyy as possible.. but.. i'm soryy ii didnt shout ur name when ii was told to say the name of the person ii like coz ii don't want it to be obvious. ii just need tymee to think over abt this. but ii still hold on to your words saying tht uu still love me.. and ur words.. if uu could hod onto it,, then ii will too..
To s:
it is nice having to talk to uu otp.. ii was smiling all the wayy, when ii heard ur voice,, it reallyy makes me hppy. uu told me uu don't like anybody except ur ex.. and ituupon,, uu want to forget abt her and the best wayy to forgt herr is to get a girl who cn be faithful to uu.. ii am disappointed plus supporting uu. am disappointed coz ii knw,, uu won't like me coz uu said uu dont like anybody besides ur ex.. but i am supporting uu all the wayy coz ii don't want uu to hv a bad memoryy like uu had before.. if ii could be the girl tht u're looking for.. ii will not let uu down. but ii am still confused to who ii like,, still. maybe uu maybe not.. the person tht all this while ii told uu abt is uu.. but ii cnnt confess to uu yet. ii still rmbr this *n peluk larh bntl tuu kuat2 imagine the guy tat euu admire.. ii knw euu miss him.'* yess,, ii will but uu don't knw tht its uu,, its uu all this time tht ii talk abt.. thoughh ii am talking to the person,, ii still miss him. errr!
to all: i'm cnfused. whichh one! ii am single tpyy hatyy tetap nk setiehh untk satuuu!
Am getting ready to meet my new boyfyyy(: chehh fakeeeE! this pic was taken just now. i loike! getting readyy to meet up withh farina lahh oyyy! we're going west coast to celebrate ros's bday,, bt sadlyy,, ii didnt get to take the pics we took there. awhhhh,, so sad! omgomgomg! ytd was fun. let me tell uu a storyyy! ahahahhahahahahha.
yesterday woke up earlyy to gt readyy to go there.((: must nicenice horr! well, not so earlyy. pkul 9 beb! then done withh everythng,, waited for ririn to mcgg me to go out frm my house. we'll be meeting at j.e library! kiwakk,, tungguu bus pnyehhlahh lmbt! angryyangryy. then took bus 335,, reached there, had to wait for ririn plakkk! mcm bdk bodohhh bebbb! then she arrived,, she topped up her card,, went to ayies/aries, to buy accessories for the bday girl(: well,, not really her bdayy lahh but advance pnyehh bdayy partyy. then,, we went to the j.e lib pyehh bustop.. bus lmbt,, dahhlahh ngahh hot uu! bus arrived,, quicklyy sat down and have the freshh air con! best uu knw! then,, arrived,, we were kind of lost): but we arrived at the correct bustop. arrived alreadyy,, went to the playground. was hot! omg! then called ila asking her where are theyy all,, theyy sayy pt mc. we went mac and salam-ed them. dahh slm, go mccafe then ppl asking mine and ririn's num! pantat! ii go give asl! bodoh pehh akuu! but myy mind was thinking of a____... haishhh. then blahblahh we went to the short flying fox. ira naekk duluu then me. they never help me go down siaa bt left me.. but ii managed to go down ahkk! gytuukk katehh kwn. then ii go kejar them! ishh. abehh adehh budakk sanggop siaa mitak num ilapendekk! kiwakk,, orgg tknk bgyy tuu dahhlahh! aftr tht,, ros lmbt plakk! pantat luu! fake! we give chnce ahkk. then we sat at the pondok. the guys came... before tht we gt take pic ahkk using lysha's camera! baekk ahkk camera! ahahahahah, jakonjakon.. then the guys came,, ii suddenlyy like tkdehh mood tgk one of them.. yg kwn diehh,, kacauu2 aku nan diehh. kiwakk.. akuu bkn pompan diehh lahh! ishh. irritating ahkk! pantat! then ros and kakak fatin reached! ros,, me,, ririn,, suzila and who entahh go meet the familyy,, first person for me to see,, him! ii was asking for him from last tymee! omg! then daryy hppy2,, nmpk diehh,, maluu. then angktkn barang. went bck to the place we were at before.. then go letakk the makanan. the girls gave out the makanan to the guys. ii hv to give tht guyy because he was the onlyy one tkdehh makanan and air behh sumehh like 'cheyyy'. fed up siaa. then ii go pekek 'akuu nan diehh tkdehh papehh lahh s___! akuu masehh syggkn ex akuu!' puas hatyy di golden pondok! then ii go take my food and drinks and ate infrnt of him! omg! maluu. then i kept looking at him. blahblahblah. we go play the balloon. then his balloon dropped.. ii go amekkn and gave it to him and he said thnks. satuu word pon dah caerr!then ii go find ririn. then we started playing. cute sakk akuu nan ririn. getahh dahh putos pon maenn gasakk jekk! best pehh! then blahblahh blahh,, we go playy the straw and rubberband, ii stood beside him! omg. my straw dahh menggeletar siaa! but cntrlled ahkk! and the girls won! aftr tht,, go eat cake((: yumyum! but plan destroyed! but aftr tht bashh pkyy tepong,, pkyy water bomb.. haiyoo! the flour gt into my eye and stupid to tht person who threw it! roslinda's bros so sweet lahh! dorgg lyn adekk dorgg cm mataer sehh! haishh.. then blahblahblahh.. we go do our own thngs.. omg! tuu ilapendek nan ririn nk kenehh siaa! punkd ke pehh! theyy almost got into the sea taw! buang tabiat btol! ii was loike panicking,, marahh dorgg,, tpyy tk buat papehh bt at least ii gt pull rirn up until my hand gt scar.. uu dont believe? go see me! then went bck to the place. gt a call! makk ayyy! tros mcm... then wnated to go home,, bt sanggop siaa tungguu si dhekk tuu.. tpyy tk muncol2.. to be continued..
the next episode: huahuahua
since,, he tk muncol,, ii hv to go.. sadd.. went imm. and ririn bought an ice cream cake for me and ila for the belated bdayy(: thnks(: even if its small,, we appreciate byk2! first tymee ii eat icecream cake taw. wee eat pt anderson's taw! expensive uu knw! ehhemehhem. okayyy. then walkwalk.. ii was irritated byy tht person's mcges. haiyoooo! then walk walk,, me and ririn sent ila till the j.e interchnge tanggehh bergerak. lol! byk abggs oyy pt sanehh! 'abbgs' ehkk 'abgg'. ahahahahah! aftr sending,, ririn and me was worried abt ila. what if she gt rogol! ohohhhh! hahahahah. then waited for 98 bus. ririn actually want go home but chnge plan, she go my house. reached my house,, me and ririn go mcgg ros! private laahhh! and gt to knw smthh... me and ririn shouted! ahahakkkk! caerr oyy dpt tawuu tuu! ahahahahahah. then 10+ sent ririn home. adekk ikot! pantat btol! then blahblahblahh go bck home. then bathe. then go sleep(: tired pantat! the end lorr(: ii knw tk fun sgt!
madrasahh! whiteeee! ii went madrasah all white. withh my new cotton-on shirt! pantat btol! jarang ahkk tpyy nasebb pkyy singlet pt dlm(: huahuahua. nthh muchh hppn bt weird thngs hppen. lalalalal. dont want to mention it. abehh right some girlss stare2 at me. haiyoo. i dot like! after madrasahh go cousin house! pantat! ii go kenceng ahkk! then i go eat pizza and cheese fries! yumyum! then go home.. blablabla. nthh muchh to say for the dayy.
Today,, 08/03/10
huahuahua! morning, woke up. reachh schh at 7.20. weeeeee~~!!! go in class. remain silent for a while emo ahkk emo. bluekkk! then mt! ahahahahahahha. ii go write smthh at newspaper and my friend sitting beside me,, hema,, laughh like hell! then ii laughh also lahh. teacher infront of me also never sound us. heeee. we laughh like hell like want to die siaa! cannot control,, babyyy! ahahahahaha! pantat btol. then literature! ahahahhaha, ii like(: was fun and funnyy((: then maths. alermakk,, cikguu tuu ajar bored lahh sehh tpyy lauu lagykk satuu cikguu ajar aruu syiok. i understand better!((: then recess. go eat nasykk. heheheheh. pantat dorgg! wan sumehh dahh tawuu ii like this one person, korgg makesure diamdiam ehkk! then pw. got to knw vp will be watching us for lesson. haiyoooo! kecohh! then laughhlaughhlaugghh,, we go hall for el. have to go rehearse the playy. i'm the actor uu knw. the bitchyy one. vote for myy class okayy(: then right,, went back class was science but instead,, we watched movie. sadsad storyy. but ii watched it alreadyy so ii was unable to cryy. pantat! ahahahah. then end of schh.. met mdm siti. talk talk about training and attendance(: haiyoo kecohh! then go bubbletea shop then go my house chnge coz ii got blood stains! omg! phmphmkn lahh...... then iira wanted go 401 so okayy. ii go teman ila go chnge her clothes. then aftr tht then ii go 401. but... chnged plans! iira called me,, crying.. haishh. she came to ila's place. we gt to knw smthh then we go turonn met iira and went to 401 then pantat! theyy lied to us ahhkk siaa! iira,, dpnt sadsad kayy.. we'll be there for uu always(: pantat korgg ahkk sial tipuu kitehh! then went bck to ila's place but halfway,, iira want go backk. haiyoo.. she gt no mood.. then terserempak nann amin and rahman. salam then went off. then go play ila's laptop. go see see his tagged((: caerr ahkk! then go eat. after eatong,, go slack,, watchh moviee. then go shop buy something. heheheheheheheh! then go bank deposit ila's money. haiyooo! kecohh siaa! kitehh bobal2,, ketawehh,, pekkekk sanehh syniee cm orgg tk tentuu arahh. went home,, ila sent me home lahh bebb(: we laughh like hell! tkleyy cntrol ahkk sia. hapy siaa! then aftr tht,, went up and mcgg ila! pantat! diehhnyehh phne bat low lahh! then chrger pt umahh mak diehh! pndyy lahh tuu! then gt a mcg from this one guyy and teros satuu2 lakyy mcgg. haiyoo! mls siaa nk lyn sumehh. waiting for both of their replies.. a and s.. haishhh. sanggop uu knw! word for the day: wakenabebb! and pantat!
to him whom ii admired: heyy,, haishhh.. u're the first person to make me fall for aftr the breakup for me and my last ex.. i'm suprised how uu cn capture myy attention withh just one look at ur face. haishh, thoughhii still like my exx,, ii hate uu for making me to reallyy fall for uu. everyy night ii thought of uu smpyy mimpyy uu knw! pantat!
to ex: maybe uu dahh mls nk lyn ii.. maybe nt but ii still am hving feelings for uu but if u're not able to be here for me anymore,, tell me,, i'll move on.
good dayy people! huahuahua! muacks!
ii still syggkn uu,, ahmad. do uu even realize tht..
nmpk ituu lakyy? kiwakkk,, ii miss him alot siaa! until ii cried when ii was withh ilaPENDEK!
kayy.,, lets talk about today. morning, wake up at 6.30,, bathebathe.. then 7 already. reached schh at around 7.15? or 7.20? ii knw,, my house near pon,, ii still go late2. this is the best! if late also dont care. run then one min, save! ahahahah! okayy then first period geog! alermakkk! mendakk sioww! didnt pay attention then when group discussion,, suddenlyy become hyper *wink*. blahblahblah.. recess. dudok pt green table mkn,, gerak pyy class.. maths lesson,, was really paying attention! its a must! my favourite subject taw! ahahahahaahha. then music,, we go watch the parody the songsong. like bored already siaa.. then mood swing came! ii was in a bad mood aftr listening to a song.. then thought of him.. began to feel sleepyy then suddenly when ii was resting my head,, winson bang my table and ii was shocked. apehhlagykk,, marahh ahkk sia! kiwakkk! orgg ngahh tkdehh mood abehh cumehh stakat nk katehh ygg akuu kenehh continue our parody lyrics. f*** ***! ahkkkk! aftr schh,, went back home,, changed,, went to mac. met up withh ila and ira. check check lakyy tuu pt 401! pnyehhlahh penat,, belyy $1 coke teros pyy mamashop. aftr reaching mamashop,, khairiz came. ila! akuu bukan pompan dieh lahh! hmphhh. akuu cumehh cintehhkn ahmad solehin! haishh. then aftr tht,, hv to go to schh untk training. check2 tunggu satuu jam,, training tkdehh. buang masehh ii jekk! then me and ila pyy jyc.. bored lahh there.. then ii sat pt sofa,, kept quiet but my mind was busy thnking of who? a____ lahhh! haishhh. wan came,, then haled and wiwi,, then amin. amin asked what hppened to me and ahmad.. haiyoo,, susahh hatyy taw nk blg!! then mood swing plakkk... haiyooo.. ii became bad mood.. me and ila go buy ice cream,, sat at the benchh there,, then we listen to songs and my heart suddenlyy miss him terriblyy untill ii cried.. then wiwi and haled appeared behind us,, salam,, wiwi nmpk my matehh ngahh nanges. she tegor.. ii said nothing.. then they went off.. ii kept quiet.. ila majokk.. ii ignore.. then she say go sc buyy food.. then halfwayy,, met haled and wiwi.. salam, talk jap,, jln pyy sc.. ii bought mamee,, ila bought drink.. ii went home,, and when ii was walking home,, ii kept thinking of him.. reached home,, eat.. mcg him.. he never replyy.. his phne cnnt send mcg lahh kan! then hadap lahh nieyy bendehh.. haishh.. how ii miss him,, is different.. ii've never miissed somene this terrible!ii need uu lahh! haiyooo. ii really syggkn and rinduukn uu,, still..
am waiting for uu..
ii was wrong ii was STUPID. stupid like the dumbdumb. the idiots. i'm an idiot. slashslashslash! its not over still! the pain still cnt be felt! noo! ii cant let uu go. ii cnt! now,, uu apeared in my mind, heart and eyes, and tears will flow. slash again! ii still cnt feel the pain! ii have to bear! but no! slashh! ii cant. ii cried, ii shout, ii slashed.. ii teared millions of tears. but nth chnges. life aint a meaning to me no more! no! dont leave me. pls.. ii beg uu bt uu still go! its nt over for me.. i still deny tht u and me are nthh bt friends! bt no! ii want us to be tgther! ii cried, ii slashed.... ii slashed ii cried ii shouted.. but ii stopped coz ii realized it wasnt worthy.. and all ii want to tell uu is.... I LOVE YOU. I MISS YOU. I NEED YOU. I CANT LOSE YOU. IT HURTS. ahmad,, how could uu let me go when i'm really in love withh uu..i tawuu i slahh.. tpyy bgyy ii peluang,, bt u went off. cn i hv one last hug, one last kiss from uu. a kiss on my lips, on my cheeks, and on my head. and hug me tightly coz ii will really miss ur hug.. i want those from onlyy uu but i wont want it to be the last one. i still love youu.. dont go.. pls..
tears flowing... i miss ur everything..