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and did you noticed the moon last night ? it was unusual . somehow, its weird but nice . :D
have a good day ppl .
iloveyou , love <3
in a while, there will be some sort of pain in my head . maybe, just maybe, my migrane is coming back . i'm getting stressed up more and more . i don't simply know why . everytime i sneeze or move my hand, one part of my body hurts . i have to do things slowly . i've been feeling down lately, thinking of everything that came into my way . still, waiting for him to tell me, he love me one more time . every night, i still cried thinking of everything . wishing he would call me, and talk to me . i know, he's been busy but .. i just don't know why .. we're beginning to be further apart . i missed everything from him .
this coming 27th, i'll just hope we'll be able to spend our time tgthr . hmph, zaileng, get the truth from me . i'm sorry ..
I'm sorry, alright ? ...
i am ..
really ..
pls ...
went out of house at around 4 + . went to jyc, supposed to meet ila but she was late . so went into jyc and talked to ms harveer . asked whether ila went in but she said no . went out and i sat down at the bench and messaged ila to be quick . few minutes later, she arrived . went back into jyc again and talked to ms harveer once again . sat down awhile until around 5.30 . went to the MacDonalds . meal was treated by my one&only IlaPendekAdora . awh, so sweet . thanks beb . around 6 + went off with our seperate ways . she went home and i went off to meet boyf (: heeeee . he was playing soccer . and then, one point of time i was standing alone and he called me to accompany him go his house to pass his money to his mother . after that, went back usual place and he played takraw . blahblahblah and about 9, went off . reached home and nobody was home except father . and here i am, blogging . yeah, boring day ~ 3days, probably won't be meeting boyf ): will miss him very much .
andand, i got to know he wont be away . he will be away after he finished his ITE . awh, cn still spend more time with him so i also need to be ready to let him be away for quite a long long time . hahahah ! alright, i'm bored ! huahuahuahua . nite ppl ~ heeeee .
- For those i invited, plsplspls make yourself free on the 24TH and cnfrm with me . heeee (:
i can't possibly just let you go . i will miss you . i thought of you every second . i just cant simply let you go in a sudden . you told me you may be away for quite some time . and that point, tears just simply drip but my hands and heart just simply cant let go . coz i'll miss you when you're gone . i know its for your own good but i'll miss you .. who would take care of me like how you did ? who would give me love like how you did ? who would hug me when i need it ? who would lend me their shoulder for me to lye on when you're not around ? who would i hold my hands with? who would kiss me like you did ? BUT, how am i supposed to go through all my days without you, missing everything about you . i ain't ready to see you away ~ i know, its for the better but maybe i need time . but before you go, lets spend our time together, and thats all i wanted . and before going, hug me tightly . and just take good care of yourself . by, i'll miss you . i promise you, you're my one&only in my heart even if you're gone . heeeeeeee . I WILL REALLY MISS YOU .
i love you, dear (:
love is something special, a treasure i want to find .
to others, love is blind but for me, it ain't true coz when i fell in love, i saw you .
got a call from boyf . missed his first call, and he called again . picked up, i have just woken up from sleep . he asked whether i wanted to follow him go hospital to visit his grandmother so i agreed . went to the toilet and bathe . got ready and waited for his call to meet him . got a call and went out of house to meet him and piee at my void deck . met mimi too after that . proceeded to the bus-stop . my pants were splashed with a little bit of mud . bohooo ): hmph . waited for the bus and 198 arrive . boarded it and sat the last seat of the second storey of the bus . *skip the part in the bus* alighted and went to NUH . almost fell down 2 times at the pedestrian crossing . its slippery you know ~ . they laughed at me ): hmph, angry angry . went to ward 27, second floor . boyf's grandma was in ICU, sadly . waited awhile and boyf went inside to meet his grandmother . while waiting, AyaSanchey called . asked who's at bnlay and stuffs . boyf went out and stayed for awhile . boyf's anak sedare so cute ~ alalalala . hahaha, was about to go so salam-ed boyf's aunt and kakak sedare and went off . his anak sedare salam-ed me also (: cute lah dorg especially balqis . shyshy lah pulak ^^ hahaha . went to the bus-stop and realized there were no 198 so walked to the next bustop and waited for bus 198 and boarded it few minutes later . like before, sat at the last seat of the second storey of the bus . alighted at my stop and they sent me home until my void deck . salam-ed and kissed boyf and went up . hehehe, reached home then landing ~ hahaha . slept abt 1hr, received a message from mother and replied it late . received a call from Piee's number . thought what ajeh then they pranked me but too bad, its not successful coz i knew it . talked to boyf awhile and hung up . waited for azan maghrib . prayed, and here i am now, blogging aye . heeeeee .
Just hope that boyf's grandma gt well soon (: insyaAllah .
okok . and i love you by (: heeeeee .
lol, just read this cnversation between me and him, he sent me a text and we started talking about it .
A : yana,gd morning .
me : oh, morning, A***
A: haha, aru bgn ehy ?
me: aah, why tbeh2 mcg sehy, a*** ?
A:haha. oh, tk boleh ke yana ?
me: tk kateh tk boleh kn . tk slh ..
A:haha, A rindu yana lah . alahai ..
me: haha . aeyk ! rindu ? btol tk btol?
A: haha .. btol lah . nk tipu buat pe kn ?
me: haha . mane tawu, kn kdg org joke joke jek
A:haha! tklah . A tk joke . i'm serious .
me:oh . haha, acl tbeh2 boleh rindu ?
A:entah . A syg yana . serious and MAAF .
me:maksod A by syg apeh ?
A:sayang luh .. cinte gitu
me: acl boleh gitu . as a fren atau more ?
A:more , A tgk yana slalu mcg A tapy A tk lyn sgt sbb A tknk yana kehilangan zai . harap yana phm . walau ape pun, A mintak maaf ..
me: acl boleh gyni ?
A: entahlah yana . A mintak maaf k? A tawu yana tkde rase same ape yg A rase tpi tkpe . A nkberitahu jek yg A syg yana
me: hmph, ini btol a*** ? bkn kakak a*** kn ?
A: A lah, kakak mane ade . kakak working .
me: oh, yana tktawu yana nk blg a*** bende ni tk .. tpi bkn waktunye skrg so a*** tgu jeklah smpy waktu bgy yana untuk blg a*** tu smpy .
A:Okay tkpe . alep tk psl uh . dahlah yana go mandi .
and the conversation goes on ..
IT WAS SHOCKING . aeyk ~ hmph .. well, first thing it was kind of weird . second thing, i wont fall for him alright coz my heart is fully for zai . third thing, i wont tell him what were my feelings for him last time .. and forth thing, should i tell zai . emm, just wait till one day .. but i will love zaidi, one & only and it wil be forever . insya Allah .
` It may go out wrong, but when you make the right choice, it will go out ALMOST perfect .
ok, ppl . i know .. i've not been updating my blog ~ reason is because i'm too lazy to blog . haiyo, sap ching ching . hahahah, what the hell ? ok, life has been getting confusing, complicating, boring but fun too ~ coz there will be someONE who lights up my day .
went to sentosa with ex-schoolmates . woohhoooo ~ i dont wanna tell you the story there but do visit my fb to check out some photos from part of the day . haish haish . met SAYANG awhile after the reunion . i didnt rmbr abt the date . coz tht date is the first date we got tgthr . awh so sweet . hmph . when i was abt to go home . he kissed me and i said 'tkdeh hug, by ?' then he kissed me again and he hugged me . awh, i know, so sweet . i salam the pendeks . and salam entah sape name die, lupeh . then ila called me 'yana ! zai kate nk lagi !' then i went back to him . he held my hands and hugged me tightly . let go and i just stared into his eyes and he hugged me again . we hugged a few times . and still, it was hard to go off . salam the rest and when i was about to go . i walked slowly and ila called me again to wait . he came to me and put his hand over me . we walked and he sent me till traffic light there . i salam him, he kissed my hand and he kissed me again . by, i missed you . i want your hug again ): haish . went home straight away . haiyo . i missed him .
by, i worried taw pcl you ): you mcm maken hari maken saket taw .