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all that i want to know, why did he replace me that fast ? where were all his words . HMM . forever means nothing . stupid me for believing . i trusted you, boy, but you left me . you took my trust as your advantage . thankyou ehy . hmm . smge last long and i hope you'll regret one day . get what i mean ? if you don't, pandai2 ah ehy . hmm .
someone i liked right now, cnfessed to me already . hmm, wow . but no, i cnnt accpt him .. coz i haven't loved him . coz now, i'm still forcing myself to stop loving that ex of mine .
i'm sick and tired . uhhh ~ heh ! wish me luck ppl in my life . gdbye :D
This morning, right where i opened my eyes to a fresh new day, with tears filled in my eyes . i just seemed to see everything coming around again . waking up with naggings, with cries, with the sound of irritateness . at first, i was fed-up with those nags my mother gave my younger brother but when i heard it, my past flashed back . what happened to me, happened to him . now, i'm becoming a role of a brother, a sister and the last child . no, it just seemed to be that way . i cried, and that, i became like my brother whom last time, used to cry when i got scolded by my parents and see me gt beaten up . i became a role of a sister, whom i have to know what my younger brother felt . the position of the last child, where i have been in that position and learn to feel those who is going through it again . and becoming in that position of my mum where i have to do those things my mom used to do .. life is getting complicated .. well, thats why its called life .
these days, i tend to shout at people, rude to people, cry alot, lose my patience faster, it all doesn't seem to be me . it doesn't seem to be like who i used to be . i may change again in time .. i am still looking for the light to my darkness .. where are you ? ...
:D still, putting on a smile . byebye .