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For once, trust me .
okaay, ppl, HELLO ! wake up ! talk to me . hehehehehehe ^.-" . :D gaaaaaah !
Labels: Do i still love you ? /:
Boy: I miss you.
Girl: And so?
Boy: I really did.
Girl: K.
Boy: I'm sorry.
Girl: What for?
Boy: For ignoring your efforts to communicate with me.
Girl: Its OK. I got used to it, then I got tired, so I stopped trying and started forgetting.
Boy: I..
Boy: I...tried to forget about you, you see.
Girl: ....
Boy: Cause it tore me apart that we can never be...
Girl: its OK.
Boy: Why is it so OK?
Girl: I got used to days hoping you'd be back, but then you never did. I started facing reality, and started to get a move on.
Boy: I too late?
Girl: Too late for what?
Boy: To court you?
Girl: :)) You know, I've always wanted to hear that from you. Back then, a year ago. But...I got used to only wishing for it..then realized it would never happen, so I stopped hoping.
Boy: I'm really sorry, but dont worry, this time, I will make your wishes come true. :))
Girl: Its my turn to say sorry. Time got into me. You've broken my heart already. I cant risk experiencing that again. :/ Thank you anyway. For communicating to me after a year of silence.
Ohmyyy, the guy is too late .. see, so yeaaa . don't be too late, when she's already moving on, she's not going to look back . i just hope you ♥ will not be too late for me . hmms , heh ! :D grrrrrr .
heeeee, neh, not hoping for more . :D but i wish it'll hppen .
y'knw what i mean ? kay shhhhh .
emm, i miss someone, nooo ! STOP .
Labels: ♥, Parts and parcels of life
gees, yesterday got a call from his friend, but through his num -.- wth, asaal siaa ? yanaa dahlaa mcm wtf ?! i was expecting for him , not his friend . grrrrr !
how about todaay ? woke up at around 12+ got a text from Eyra . and i knew it was her , i caan feel . cheyyyyy ~ gaaaaa ! Eyra, cheer up alright ? ily, muahmuah . haahah ! mepekkkkk ~ woke up, wash my face, and brush my teeth coz i want eat . i was hungry . si yeah, ate, watched tv . * i haven't bathe yet taw ! shhhh . *malumaluface* hehehehe ! then, i went to my bed, and it was cold, without realizing, i slept . and yeaa, it rains when i slept . woke up, at around 6, checked phone, no texts ): haiyaaaa . but got a call from Miko, he invited me to slack, but i rejected his offer . idont want sorry . maybe, next time or never will ? hmms .... then, night came, watched tv, i suddenly craved for Mac and KFC and also pizza . like wth, i wanted to go mac but somebody didn't allow -.- dont know why . haiyaaa . then planned to bake pizza tmrrw aftr class ;D yes ahhhh, hmms . i'm bored ppl . holidays ? hmms, i thought it would be fun but i don't think so, especially with no grandparents around, who will takecare of Izzat if no one's around at home, and i want to go out ? confirm cannot . haiyaaaa, grrrr ! hmmms . alright ppl, i'm off now . i'll update my craps later if i'm bored yeaa ? heees ,
heees, nonono, i cannot miss him -.- this shouldn't be happening .
oh boy, when i'm about to leave, you came by again . please ?
oh God . or isit that you're supposed to staay ?
let me tell you about todayy . gees, got a message from Mr Shoon . was told to go back school, give my report book and composition . he wrote COMPOSITION okay ? and then went to school with eyram and Mdm Teo said, Paper 2 . like fvck . fed up siaal, have to get back home and take the paper and went back into school . went back home, got ready to go out :D weee, i look faat XD trust me . i'm growing, i like . berisi siket -.- hehehehe ! and so, we went to bnlaay first as Aya Snchey wanted to meet me and eyra . missed us ? slacked for around 30mins and went off to 2N1's class bbq . i was there, as aichaa invited me . from faar, can smell the aroma of the food already . i like ♥ . after bbq-ing and so on . something happened O.o sungguh not the fun -.- wtf ? hehs ! went home and went online in facebook, msn :D geeheeess, hannis makcik called me three times . we talked and talked . she so nice and friendly, i like :D heeee ! after thaat, played computer . i read quotes, was so nice . i posted onto my status . you should start reading quotes, nice and interesting ♥ after that, saw his nickname on one of the quotes, suddenly someone called, and it was him ♥ . awwh, i like alotalot . like alot alot . geehees ! i missed him leh . then, after thaat got beetle/bee went flying around me . i went out running to my mummy and Izzat, told mum to shoo it off, but she ignored. then, me and izzat braved ourself . the animal was on my phne, and my phone was ringing . wth ? naseb mcg, bkn call . hehehe . then, went out again, go to mum . and mum looked at me weirdly , she said , 'ape kau letak paat ***** kau ?' then i sayy, 'nothing laaa . why ?' then she say ' mcm besar jek .' i was like ? huh ? then i sayy ' natural laa .' hahah ! then went into room again, the animal went off already . and now, i'm scared that the animal, come by again . and the rest, have fallen asleep . waaduh . i'm hugging my pillow lehhh :D heeees ! haad fun and my hunger did get full when it comes to bbq :D yummy food , marshmallow, chicken, hotdog, corn and all ♥ . heheheh ! my bday, will make one, i hope so caan ♥ gees . tata ppl . heee, nthng to update no more .
i shouldn't have .
i'll tell you smth, from now on, i'll give a fvck to LOVE . i mean love to guys . i'll only give to family, friends and my studies . ayee ? i'm to lazy to think of irritating guys/gays (oops) . i'm proud of myself todaay coz i din't get hurt reading his cmments to girls -.- i don't give a fvcking care . haaaa ! sorrry with the vulgars . mind my your language , yanaa :D haaa !
reason i'll be chnging ; advice from my brothers' bestfriend . haaa ! yeaaa :D and lso, i'm too tired to cry . and, i regretted with my attitude towards my siblings, parents & parents . waaaduhh :D you'll see your cheerful yanaa, motivated yanaa, and working hard yanaa back . and also sacarstic yana to guys who always irritating and flirt and STMF . i don't waant to lyn . fvck off from my life laaa :D saye mls naak jatoh balek paat trap koraang sume . i'm gonna be very difficult , baby ♥ geees . i'm hungry :D food, pleasee ? will be going to workshop in a while . will be going home early todaay, will do . haaaaaa ! i like ♥ and i hope everyone will accpt my attitude now . and i hope they'll love me more with this . if you don't , i'm just sorry, this is my waay to a bttr person , gees . i'm off now . see ya later :D love you guys vv much . and to those who have been there fr me, thnkyou, i love you . and to those who hurt me all these while, lied to me, go awaay . i dont wanna gt fooled .
to abang , sorry for all the mistakes i've done . i knw, you did all tht so i won't be someone thaat menyesal kemudian . i realized thaat . i'll be chnging . and i hope i'll not fall back :D be by me ♥ haaa ! thankyou . i love you, abang :D gahaha .
and to thaat guy ; last night will be the last time i say i love you ♥ and sorry eh, saye daa cukup mengharapkan and disakiti . andand, skrg saye cume naak focus on my studies . dont wanna fall back to those hurts and pain and stopped studying then . so, will not be there always anymore :D haaa ! bye -.-
B I O L ♥
Ingaat taak mcgmcg you antar i ni semue ? as i'm writing this, i'm crying baadly . i cannot take it )':
'eh, saye rindu awak larh .'
':( . i just keep thinking of you . idk why .'
'i noe . i figuring out wats in your mind . yea . u r diff thn any other girls i've met '
'but why must you lie to me ?slh ke ? i noe larh, saye baru jek knl yana . and saye bkn siape2 untuk yana . but y must you lie ?'
'but why must you tink in a negative way ?u dont knw what ppl are thinking and u cn just say anyhow by saying tht tkde sape yg kesah if you tell. tat shit man . cmmon . i care abt you. eventhough i just knw you .'
'its good tht you tell me coz, saye tk akn sakit kan hati awak . kalau awak tk blg and saye tktawu and wat if i saket kan hati awak ? its bad rite ?'
'no i will not. coz i, myself da mule sukekn awak ,'
'yea . i miss you .'
i'm sorry for being a jerk to just not forgive you . i'm sorry . and i'm sorry too if i spoil your mood . or buat you tk tdo for the whole day . its my fault, im sorry . saye cume sakit haty larh you shout at me saying bdh '
'u,imy .'
'okae . makesure tdo taw . syg awak! mlm .'
'sayye pon same jgak . kalau saye terkasar bahase, kat awak ataw kurang ajar, and buat awak saket hati or kecewe or smth, saye mintak maaf sgtsgt . and i hope you'll enjoy your day aite , syg awak jgak :) slamat hari raya !'
' syg, jgn biarkan diri kite yg controlhidop kite . let our haeart cntrol what we do . ok saye jujur . i still have small feelings towards my ex . but i started to like you bit by bit .'
' see, like i told you . kite manusie tk bgs simpan sesuatu kt diri kite sendiri . its good to share and let it out to someone . syg, perasaan suke blh jady cinte or syg. we dont know . it might hpppn suddenly love . saye pnah alami ni , and thts why i am sorry if i make you like me . coz i scared if i make a wrong decision or a wrong move or menyakitkn hati you .'
' u wanna knw wad, i feel tht i fall in love with you .'
' i knw its hard fr you untuk percaye . yea . hati i mcm, idk hw to explain . macam rase the feeling of first love gitu . idk how to express it .'
'coz i da mule jatuh cinta ngn you'syg, da bgn blm ni ? i aru bgn . and i'm late . haha , dalarh, my hp batt flat . mls nk chrge . nnty around two gitu, i text you okae .u just tkcre of yourself aite . love you and i miss you . bye .'
' iyeiye . slh i. i ngaku , jgn pk i tk ingt you, i ingt u mane i gy taw .'
' i trust you syg, jgn risau .'
' wad ? u tkmoh smbrg bbl larh . wat ? u r nth special to me ? wtf ! you are somethng special to me . ginie uh perangai you. i suke sgt. i like . thnx bie .'
' btol uhk . u pompan okae ?u pk i ape ? suke uh tgk pompan alek lmbt . kalau pape tjady pt youcmne ? pk i tk kesah ke pcl you ? u think wad ? i cume pk kan diri i srg je uh ? eventhough kak i alek lmbt, i pon mrh die . wad ? tk hppy ? okae . i no problem . go on . mrh i ? cpt uhk .'
'syg ! bgn . da pkul 6 . heee . i love you :D'
hmms . i maseh simpan tu sume . katekate manes you . hmms, i rindu ♥ but now, whaat hppen ? ohmyyy . i'm hurt . truly hurt . why must it be thiswaay . i knw i slh ): i'm stupid to have said tht . i'm just not me anymore . i got no moods these days . i cpt naek angen . i cpt nanges . i cpt marah . idk why ? but it seemed tht my life went wrong . ytd was the worst day . i hate ytd ): coz it hurts me deep . story abt H , seeing your profile . i dont knw why . its because i truly love you, thts why i'm hurt . i kept on crying .
if you're reading this, i'm sorry . i hurt you too much . pls, text me . dont make me suffer . listen to this song, berilah peluang . thts for you , its the same . hmms . you dont want me to cry kaan ? i need you back . i realized i loved you too much . only you ): i'm hoping for you to return like last time . i missed you . ♥ please ? love me, treat me like last time . i want to be someone special to you . like nobody have been to you .
rangers, saye naak start mask saye . ni, btol :D
here goes the dream ;
H's dream ,
i was at jyc . it was three years ahead, i think . it seemed so . i was sitting in the cnfrence room, sitting beside teacher . i was doing smth and i looked to the door area , and i saw someone familiar . i thought to myself 'who is that ?' then taeacher caught me looking at him, and she smiled . i asked, who is he . and she said , *this part not clear . and so, i stared at him, i smiled . and he stared at me, like as if he doesnt know me D: i went to him and looked at what he was doing . and he looked at me , but we never talked at thaat point . he just looked at me , like as if he doesnt know me at all . maybe i have chnged ? so i went off . eyra met me . and i told her , i saw him . he's back . D: eyra told me to find him . and so, i went around and i saw 'him' . i said ' H .' and he said, ' i am not H .' and my heart just hurts , i thought he was out , but no ... and his friend said ' H hasn't comeout yet .' and i kept crying&crying to eyra . she was there by me :D awhh . and the story stopped .
A and Biol's dream + H .
i was at bnlaay shopping . and a and biol was with me . and so, we sat down . i went thru biol's mcgs . there was someone's name . and i asked, who is thaat person and he said it was his fren . then, he hugged me by the waist and i hugged him . like as if we were already attched to each other . and then talked to a , and we hugged too ? oh wth laa this part -.- then biol was sitting there with his frustrated face . i was too, idk why . so, i sat and someone's phne dropped . i thought it was mine . biol looked at me and i jeleng . then he picked up his phone and threw it on the table . i looked at him, went to him , and i touched his hand, i said sorry . he looked at me and said ' nmow, you make your decision . pilih i atau a . ' i asked whether it has to be now and he said yes . i left and i cried . i stopped and turned back . when i walked back , H came into my mind . and i told biol . ' i taak pileh a . tpy, i akan pileh you atau H .' biol looked at alep and gave an evil smile . biol looked at me smiling with satisfactory . haiyaaaa . why happy sdgkn maseh ade H . bukan biol saje yg akan saye pileh . and then the story ended .
waaseh . tongiht, dreams were full of H , H , I MISS YOU .are you missing me ? i hope so D:
hmms, todaay sucks big time but still, i smiled and pretend that i was happy .
- bought takoyaki and cupcorn after religious class and went back home . ate those food . on-ed the computer . and facebooked :D . hmms, well . guess whaat ? i went to B I O L facebook . i was otp with eyra at tht point of time . i told her ' i am not that hurt anymore .' but something made me teared for a moment D: hmms ! hung up . and i thought of H . H, ): its not getting any better with my days without your presence . and i cried more . i want to write to you :/ can i ? i miss you ! yes, i do . oh H , i'm waiting for the time to pass by fast and i'll get to see you and hug you . hmms, i just hoped thaat you won't be replaced and then, i could wait for you in thaat long journey of time . hmms, D: B I O L, don't hurt me in silence . please ~ you've not been here for me these days . it sucks big time . oh damn it, do you knw how it feels like ? urhhh ! ):
H, find me once you're out . i'll be waiting for your return .
i'm tired so i won't elaborate too much .
went to marina there, took phtography . Marina bay sands, skypark, city gallery and the helix :D weeee !
then went home gt ready for the 'kenduri' for nayli's cukur rmbot and arowah atok . hhmmms, was so happy . hee ! went to nenek house, everybdy looked at me, silence . then i greeted . then washed my feet . then, the house became loud with my voice , heeee :D i was so dont know why ? then, went to aunt's room . run thru her make up stuffs, her phtos . i envy her . she has alot of makeup stuffs and she has gone to many countries around the world . and guess whaat :D she made up her mind tht if i pass my Os , i will be going to italy or smewhere i wanna go in europe with her . both of us only, maybe with some of her frens ? wow ! i knw still long journey, but i will start studying soon :D geeesss . a bit of embarassment happened . i was masai masai then i went out , got three guys so the panaas :D and i got to knw its my uncle's wife, adek . alemaaaakkkk ! haiyaaa . cute sia dorg . but paaiseh uh . malu :D but matmat oi, tk penah nmpk . but grrr ! :D was so loud . took pictures with baby nayli :D heeee , will update soon . bye, i waant sleep .
You saketkaan hati i by kind of flirting with those girls , ):
B I O L , if you're reading, don't worry, H is just a friend to me who were sweet to me all these while . who makes me smile :D maybe i like him , but i love you more ♥ its sadenning to me to know that there won't be anyone like him beside me ..
the moment he winked at me , the momen he said ' kalau bola kene die, kau jage kau .' to his friend . the moment he said to me , 'step sexy peh .' when he said, silently, 'tutop .' when he said, 'imy.' . when he said, 'jangan malu2' , the moment he fanned me when i'm hot . when he wiped the chair for me . the moment he praised me . the moment he make me as his first priority . the moment he waited for me . the moment he otp with me . hmms, i missed him . he made me smile :D oh boy, imy .
And B I O L , imy . i missed talking to you, texting you . where are you ?
i will wait, insyaAllah .
bye .
Went swimming pool and then proceeded to henna workshop behy lpk . gt to knw smth . naseb i didnt teared infront of them . hmms, then he came at around 9 . they planned to go arcade . my airmate was at tips already . then tahan . i told them i going home . then me and eyra went home . and guess what , when i left them, i cried terribly . buut , i forced myself to smile . i said , 'i am strong . i dont love him .' hmms, due org dlm pkiran yana tht time . sent eyra home . and went home . otp with ♥ . blablabla , read his wall, wahh, so hurt .. then, he read my status . kedebum uh . i said i'm okay blablablablablabla . he hung up on me like tht . waaaaaa . i punye laaa sort, i sent him a mcg . nolaaa, i tak sacarstic ehy . after tht, i asked him a long mcg and he nvr reply . tktawu nk jwb ehy ? haaaaa , saket pehy hati . until now, no replies .
i wont be mcging him today , coz you know why ? i want to see whether he still rmbrs me :D haaa, we'll see . kay best , if he never text me at all, then byebye .
Today, wake up at 9 . wow, first time early sia . then washed up and here i am, eating something while blogging . nowhere to go for today, booo ! hmms . later ppl . see ya when i see ya :D
kau nak majok, kau nak flower2 nan aku .
tpy bile part kau yg letak pat aku gitu jek,
aku kene mintak maaf behy langsong satu reply dari kau pon takde .
kau pk, kau blh permainkan perasaan aku ?
pfffft- .- i tell you ehy, aku nanges pcl kau .
aku simpan everythng, aku tanggung taw .
kau tkpernah nk mend all your mistakes .
waaa, fvck . sungguh the best .
kau saketkan hati aku, pon kau tktawu .
waaa, sumpaah best . :D
and guess what, i just came to a realization . i only had 2 mataer this year :D
i want to keep it tht way . i think, i want to be single all the way till end of Olevels . f can , :D
- after history exam, slacked for awhile at 401 and then went mac with eyra . went back home . on comp and blahblahblah . sent adek to sch and then, got ready to meet up with eyra to go jyc . then, when we met up, we straight away go bubble tea and went to jyc . teachers were not there yet, so slack with my ex and kwn lpk dulu , awhh, imissed them like alotalot . pfft . takanak amek gbr nan aku . cb korg :D hahah . tkpehytkpehy . then, masai sia yanaa . when teachers came, sat down in jyc and waited for the workhop to start . punyelaa lame . texted ♥ that i was in jyc . coincidentally, he was at the block infront of jyc . then met him for awhile . slacked with him . kay, sumpah yana masai gile babs . paiseh gile bodo . heeee :D yana malu sia ! yana mcm siaak ajek mulot . pcl Lyza sume yana sindeh ♥ . sorry ehy , :D dari pasrah muke, blh nmpk die daa mcm -.- then he walked with me to jyc then daa gitu ... yana was walking with him, miko pt blkg . wave laa . daa lame tk nmpk what ? grr, then ♥ like -.- grrr . whatever laaa . went into jyc and he walked off . went in and the workshop started . got this one guy dudok sblh i , eyra dpn i . he gentlement gile babs uh . sweet sehy , baek sehy . haha , die talented . he show positive cmments about my henna drawing . :D hehs ! then finished, touched up hair and went out to bnlay . then the guy yg duduk pt sblh i coincidentally was walking mcm same direction . then he and his fren wave pt me and eyra . heh ! daa gitu, we go bnlay . tgk dorg karaoke .something hppned . -.- then bljr, lpk .went home and studied . there goes the story , :D hmms .
Today .
- nothing much happened . only that i helped mrs chen in cutting the coupons . yanaa goodgerl :D hehehe . don't mention anythng . so, after tht met the rest . waaa, hannis's massage on my body was sooooo the nice gile babs . naak tdo dibuatnye . daa gitu, me, hannis, eyra went to my house . da gitu, hannis went home . hmmms .blablabla . gitu, lpk uh pt rumah . yana smpi tertdo sia dibuatnye . tros karaoke pt dlm bilek . aeyhykkkk :D hahah . eyra kate suare yana sweet . eyra nye suare cute :D hahah . hmms . daa gitu, waited for food from father -.- ate it . and then went for the bed . eyra played fb , i took a nap . and so, iw as awoken by eyra's voice . awaaah, so penaat sia . then, sent eyra home . body was so tired .could not take it . went home . then, here i am . ♥ called. hmms, i maseh saket hati . he don't know pcl ape . i akan korekkorek lubang smpi i dpt full view . hmms . i taknak harapkan lelaki lagy i'm off now . tata . nights ♥
ku telah dilukai beribu kali .
seglanya ku pendam,
di dlm hati .
die byk pompan ? yanaa ?
hmms, at least yana tklyn lakilaki tu sume .
die ? cnfrm lyn pompan2 tu .
or neither am i brave to stay alone at home .
waaah , ada bulan ? o.O i suka ;D
- Unknown
- maybe you had her to love . but she was not me , oh how it hurts, you won't know . coz you never knew how much i loved you .
maybe you didn't realize , how it was so special to me . how you were so special to my life . but we drifted . all those hopes for today . how it hurts, tht when i come to realize that it was all false hopes that put on me to eagerness , i loved you but we drifted . maybe because of my attitude . maybe because i never showed you how much i loved you . but i tried . oh boy ...
B I O L, ingatku di dlm doa mu . aku tidak mengharap untuk dicintai kembali .tpy, jgn pernah aku dilupai .kan ttp ku nanti, kembalinya cinta dan dirimu . i missed dyou, i love you . do your ealize . but everything seemed to turn out as false hopes . maybe you had her to love . and it was not me . i guess so ? i just hoped what i wished for today to hppen, happened . i promise, you will be the only star in heart . hmms .
ku mengharap hatimu kan bertukar lagi :') seperti dulu . kau ku sygi ♥
maken lame mcm maken benci lelaki ehy . -.- tapy nt my siblings :D i love them, they rock big times . :D hmms , and of course my bestguyfriends, i dont hate them . kay, saye ngah erhhhhh . stress ! maths !
10.10.10 will not be a special day . i bet, later night when the clock strikes 12, i'll be crying in my room . thnks alot for all the false hopes . i'm just so hppy to feel that :D bye .
oh cinta, dah berbulan aku mengenalimu . dah lama ku tanam cinta . tetapi mengapa aku tk merasakan cintamu , kau pernah katakan cinta . namun, semuanya seperti hanya kata manis dari bibirmu . aku tetap bersabar memegang cinta . cinta yang masih kekal dlm lubuk hatiku . sentiasa ku terfikir, layak kah ku menerima cintamu, menungu kehadiran cintamu kembali . ku ingin kau kembali bersama cinta dulu kau beri . haruskah aku percayai katamu dulu atau meninggalkannya begitu sahaja . masih teragu-ragu, sepertinya .
oh syg, katakan cintamu kembali . katakan ia bermakna . katakan kau setia . katakan aku kan jadi satusatunya milikmu . percayalah, aku cinta, aku sayang dan aku merindui dirimu, SYAZWAN ♥
:D Liyana .
101010, ku masih mengharapkan ia kan jadi hari istimewa bagi kita berdua ..
betapa ku syg padamu , ♥
why ?
lagu korea banyak name die laaaaa ! i nak jady chitty chitty . hahaha, mepek siaaa yana . high hope bodo . taknak sia !
different guys, different style . :D
urhhhh, i'm gonna say that i'm okay :D
i miss you bodo . hahahaha ! i love you :D
gile , :D ehy i btol2 syg kan you laaa, B I O L .
gahahahahhaha !
i'm gonna treat you like how you treated me .
standby, boy .