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Well, what to do ? ;
well woke up at 12+ then texted . didnt knew my body was all bengkak so i scratched my leg and all . when i removed my blanket, my body was full of bengkak all over my hand, legs and body . oh God big ones :/it was so itchy . called adek and he helped me compressed with warm water towel . hahah . lol . go bathe and tsk more itchy deh -.- called father . now father going to buy ointment for me . i have to eat papaya . idk how to cut so grandfather helped . SHUTUP . gaah, cant stand the itchiness . must resist from scratching , bye . because of this, i could not go out . hmms :/ ): booo ! BYE .
MacDs , all time favourite ;
y'knw whaat ? nothing happened to day . lame old shits routine -.- supposed to go jyc but then , boo ! cancelled . supposed to meet F but cancelled too . Ibu never let me go out . rot at home, then ;D and i'm here editting my blog and stuffs . i'm just plain bored people . tried to play games with Eyra but failed to load . Fvck you msn -.- heeee . i didnt mean it tho . yana have already started to be lazy to talk to ppl . sorry, i guess i'm just lazy to entertain guys and waah, fvck those stmfs . hmms . somehow somewhat, something fishy with ex :/ gaah ! shhhh ~
just that i don't know laah . i'm just so fvcking lost -.- weeee ~ and confused . i dont wanna love anybody can ? :) weeee . thankyou . and F loves me ! :D i like . sayaaang die . :P and probably, i'll be privating my blog cause somebody is just boasting around about my blog . fish them -.-
woke up at 11.30 . got mcges from ppl . from certain someone and friends , :) . so yeaaa . i still have the time to lye down and surf the net and all . i aws so lazy and tired to go to the toilet and shower . ppl mcging me kept on saying i lazy laaah, smelly laah . like as if you nvr did it before like that , :P weee . so got ready and texted eyra and ahnie . went out of house . walked in the along the shelter and apit and some ppl happened to be in the longside in the school ah . they saw me, i waved, they talked shit to me , i was lost . went to the bustop and met Ahnie . she's so pretty like very the gothic type . HAHA . wee ~ so took bus 198 and went to JP . went MacDs and ate ice cream . sat down there and some mats jln masok keluar , :P weeee ~ Ahnie tklyn . yanaa yg mcm over -.- tsk tsk . ahnie setie y'knw nan mataer die . i tk setie nan mataer i coz i tkdeh mataer :P alaah, tgklah tgk sane syni . so yeaaa . daah gitu, went ebuzz and met Eyra . she wear dress, so beautiful ♥ mcm lawah gitu . so accompanied Ahnie to topup ezlink and went off to take mrt . asked the passenger service to which stop to alight and we alighted at bedok . so yeaaa , took 401 and alighted at ecp . the thing is, we alighted at the wrong stop . had to walk all the way to the other end to go MacDs to buy food . i ate Mcchicken meal :P hehehehe . so after that we went to toilet but toilet's mirror was so sempit ! so went to other toilet and touched up . wanted to cycle, but tk jadi, nk bowling, tk jadi, tros saap, arcade beb . tsk -.- i dont like the dance part . mcm tooot ! gaaah ! naseb tkdeh org nmpk . wee ~ so yeaaa . after thaat, went to the beach area . apa lagi , camwhore :) weeeee ~ i like alotalot . photos in fb ppl :) so dah gitu, night time came and vuolaaah ! we go jetty there . ppl fishing . i wonder, how they fish . i've never gone fishing before . and guess whaat, planned to go town but idw so went back home . waited for bus, and took mrt home . alighted at Boonlay and took 187 home with ahnie . reached home around 11 . father was like , 'asal kau balek ?' sacarstic lor . yana senyap . tkpeh, just senyap jek . tkmoh melawan kate org tue . hmms :/hees and i'm here ppl . comp is like lagging . fvck . so yeaa . pasrah . and also guess what, Got two bangladeshi stalked us to wherever we go -.- fvck them . spoil our mood . but we're smart okay except tht i'm slow . i didn't knw they were following until eyra and ahnie told me -.- Ihad a great day . you guys must have regretted to not follow -.- well, you're not invited . to those invited but not wanting to follow coz lazy or whatever reason , missed out :P padan muke . go see my fb for photos . tata ppl :) i love you, girls . and i syg seseorg , :) KATAK ! hahahahah tpy blm cinte . i tknk bercinte . kay bye ♥
and to those out there who reads my blog and bobal pcl me talking about my life, tolong jgn boast around and gossip eh . this is meant for reading, not for you to gossip around . weirdos , kepos . fvck you . nak bace, pls tag . so i can track . lau tk, i leave no choice to set as private or put something which cn keep track of ppl viewing my profile :) hahahaha !
so yeaaa . woke up at around idk what time , i forgot :P LOL . hahah, so i was hungry, and craving for MacDs . and my mind thought of Ririnn coz she ain't having band and i texted her and all . and i decided to go her house . so i got ready and went out . was raining when i went to the butop . like fvck . told ririnn to pick me up but nehmind, the rain stopped . when i alighted from the bus, i went to her house, walked up her house and the Bangladeshi was washing the floor :/ setuhpid . i want go up also like careful ! if not, i'll falldown . gaaah :) wee ~ reached there went into Ririnn's room and sat down . dahdahdah . so yeaa , after thaat , played the laptop . and the part i love most is the part where we camwhored :) geees ^^, then like thaat, watched tv . Ririnn's sis was like talking abt the chinese guys . they put me to laughter . ade aku kene imitate jgaak :/ gaaah ! so yeaa .. waited for Ririnn's mummy to come back . helped her mum in carrying the things her mum bought . oh yea, we ate choc ice cream ^^, be jealous ppl . heees . got ready and get out of the house to west mall . thought of going to IMM but neh, westmall will do . i wanted to eat LJS but there wasn't so we went to the MacDs . WEEE ~ ate and it was so freaking cold . waited for Kiddei and he arrived . and we went off . outside the MacDs , guess whaat ? there's this someone suddenly came to us and say , 'comecome . go , the show start alr . ' we were like lost ? so we went and checked it out . Show : The A team movie . Ririnn and kiddei was like couples ^^, awhhh . i am like a loner . lagi awwhh ^^, tsk -.- pathetic eh . so yeaa . was watching and standing . took pics and the jusXbeat walk pass us and Irul was there :) i thought mat mane jek dtg . check2 irul and bro . awwwh . i salam dorg ^^, weeee ~ took pics with irul . wanted to take with the rest but oh well, ): irul nvr tell them . gaah ! so we planned to go arcade . and in the arcade, we got no card and games to play . -.- ririnn was like a dumbdumb person trying her best to knw tht her card works . but someone who is great enough finally asked for assistance . no money rupenye . :) and tht great person is me ^^, ririnn kept on banging her head and kiddei was like rubbed the place she banged herself and lik ehug like tht . sweet siaaa ~ and we decided to go home . and this stupid farina pressed my pimple which is the red the painful one . Fvck you . :) hmms .. when we were going to bustop kiddei and ririnn was far behind me . i was so far infront . they were like playing with each other . sweet peh . :) mcm bf/gf . waaduh ^^, took bus . kiddei went home and ririnn went my house . blablabla , sent her home and walaaaa . waited for my mum and went tehtarik and went home with her . :) and i'm done for today . Long post ? O.o
` Today .
- woke up at 7+ . have to get ready to go to Indonesian Embassy with Ibu and Izzat and atok . so when i got ready, it was 8+ by the time i finished getting ready . so went out and alighted at Redhill MRT and took taxi to the place . got a visitor pass to enter and settled those things and we went to eat . Soto ayam for me ♥ in case you want to know, i followed them coz of food . well, what to do ? hmms :/ so went home and reached home at around 10 or 11 . washed face and lie on the long chair and i went asleep till 2 + . got calls and so on . at around 2.30 got ready and all and went out . reached causeway at around 4.30 ? hmms . met S -.- and accompanied him to change and so on and went to meet the rest . sat down awhile . hmms :/ he was sweet but not that way please . let me remind you, respect please ? ♥ one of his friends happened to be someone who loves me . hmm .. whatever whatever . went back home . got a text from his friend , F , the one who loves me . He was jealous .. you knw i didn't mean to . Just dont worry i will not fall for S, i knw his type of person and i dont wanna love him . coz i knw i'll be truly hurt :) haiyaaa . saw Syakir and Fir at block 441 . talked with them for awhile and went home . got a call from Ririnn, told her everything . somehow, i regretted yea . but i'm just lucky it ain't over , ;D sorry i didn't listen to your advices . hmms :/ Eyra aren't here . shw's off to camp . definitely she'll listen to my story and of course scold me too :/ but nehhh ~ it is not too over . at least he gave a little respect . so reached home , washed up and i'm here . i'm hungry ): no food ? i'm lazy to check :/ haiyaa . sorry, F, if i hurt you . :/
` Today .
- Woke up at 2 + was still sleepy . got calls from alot of ppl . all i say, i want sleep bye . how pathetic and rude -.- tsktsktsk . woke up again, called Sadiq . told him i just woke up . hahaha . and so, he asked whether i wanted to sleep again or not . i said yes, then he let me sleep . i slept for awhile . and get up from bed and showered at 3 + . supposed to meet Sadiq but my laziness strikes . oops, apologized and he sulked -.- urhhhh, so whatever . and yeaaa .. haiyaa . sory deh . so got a call from this bitch, Ririnn . heeees ! she wanted to eat at Macds . so i asked for money from Dad . he gave 2 dollars only and the rest was my money . pokai gile . -.- hmms .. so met her and went to KFC instead of Macds . haiya this biatch . gaaah ! then ordered food and my bro's fren outside ask me, where bro ? i said home lorr . shocked gile ? hahahha . then ate and then walked around at jw area and went to my house . Make up ! ririn make over my face . BEAUTIFUL ^^, but got problem so we went out and went to one shop and did what was wrong . heees ^^, was so happy . gaaaaaahhhhh . walked around fr awhile and bought ririn's chendol . and sent her home . home sweet home after that . we took pictures but not alot alot :/ gaaah . heees . so yeaaa . home sweet home . UPDATED ! happy i .
Today .
- woke up at 1+ . i relaxed myself on my bed for hours until 3+ . something made me up . my hunger . and there goes someone messaging me, quarell again . if we would be tgthr, how ? ha ha ha . NO , i tell you everyday got war . hiyak dush kaang ~ but he's sweet but no, i dont love him but he seemed different than other guys . LOL -.- so yeaa, i watched tv , Tasbih Cinta . ♥ and then i played computer . facebook ♥ like duh . and i karaoke-d in the room for awhile . called cousin . was pissed by father and went out of house to meet cousin . yeaa, bought food and went to her house . saw Farhan, my cousin's neighbour . it has been ages ♥ i was shocked . he looked taller . like seriously . hahaha . sadly, faizul wasn't with him . he smiled . *sengeh all the way . went into cousin's house . everybody was like staring . someone asked, who's this ? i was like all the way smiling and i said, why everybody looking ? dont look . shy ~ hahha . salam aunt and went into cousin's room and eat . father called -.- then stay at her house, watch tv, Assalamualaikum cinta . wow , nice but saad ): gaah . emms, delayed time to go home and then went off at 10.30 . cousin sent me home till few blocks away . then, walked home alone . at one point, i feel like a spider web went onto my face -.- asss . went home, washed up and played computer . Guess what, Farhan posted onto my wall ' tadi you pretty seh :) ' hahahah . buat org ketawe . -.- gaah ! lol . hmms, so yeaa . i'm coughing like hell now coz of the smoke th thas been produced by the chinese praying infront of my house, the field there . like asshole -.- grrrr . gnns, so yea . till here ppl . see ya .
` oh and yea . he replied but it didn't seem to be sincere ): i just missed you so much, boy ♥
- org daah sound i but NO, i'm not gonna accept anyguy . trust me, its hard . kay bye .
Sungguh yana tidak adaa mood .
` My heart closed ;
Last night .
- yeaaa, i lie on my bed at 1 . i was so freaking cold and shivering so yea, i covered myself with my blanket . tissues all over me . i kept thinking of him . i texted him wishing our three months knwing each other, yet no replies . i was so disappointed and my head hurts really bad . it have been a long time since i had this migrane and it came back . maybe because of my lack of sleep and stress . i was so freezing and my skin really was burning especially the neck part and forehead . i tossed and turned ;/ hmms , ppl irritating me with messages . God, i was restless and i fell asleep .
Today .
- woke up at 9 , got a call from ririnn, i was lazy to wake up and she told me to siap now but i delayed, i slept back and woke up at 10 . i was late, i bathed quickly . and my nose bleed awhile . Panas dalam lor . hmms .seriously, i've never had these things for years ago and it came back . and oh well, i just got ready and i'm off . reach JPS at 11 ;D just walked around, eat talk to ex sch mates and suffs . saw ahnie and her makcik :) geees ^^, so yea, went back home changed shoes to meet the others to go play arcade . we ate at macd first and walk around fr awhile and went arcade . took pictures . pictures are with Nadd lorr :) hmms, so yeaa . after that around 7 got ready to go back home . took bus home and just rest ;) thnks Aya for the bear :) awhhh , its hanging on my shelfs :) heees ^^, sweet lorrr.
But i tell you eh, my heart have closed, for all guys . if caan, i would not want any guys to love me, or even like me . trust me :D coz i won't be able to give them that love . you knw why ? yana have had enough of getting hurts from guys . andand, even if i contact around with my guy friend , talk with them jokingly like close like that, it doesnt mean i like them , kaay ? hmms , i treat everyone equally unless otherwise uh . if they irritate me, guys or girls, i'll not treat them like how i treat my friends, best friends :D heees, kay bye ppl . ♥
Sleepless nights , ♥
i'm gonna stop bothering you .
don't come back ♥
i hope so you won't come back ,
when i'm already gone .
I don't care how much i loved you before .
For all i know, you played around with my feelings .
and i hate you now .
Yana hate people who played around my feelings without me knowing myself . well, i hate you boy . you never were faithful towards me . you were just acting around . you had alot of girls behind you when i was there infront of you . i only loved you . i ditched every guy who wants to have my number, who wants to be more than friends with me just because of you . you were so special and important to me, yet you just don't seem to care at all . see, you told me you loved me . whats all that ? just another of your bullshits sweet talking and you don't even mean it . do you even knw how much it hurts to see myself being played around and fooled ? maybe you have yet felt that before . but , trust me KARMA WILL HIT YOU BY THEN . and you will regret throughout your life . trust me . you have your looks, i agree, but you took advantage of it . you played around with girls, knwing tht girls will fall into you ? agree ? comeon laah . i know, one daay, when you're faithful to this one girl, when you really love her, she will be the one playing behind your back . trust me, and you'll ask why did it happen to you . and you'll remember back every girl you played around with . and you'll regret . comeon laaah . i've been faithful to you . did everything tht you expect me to do . like, not going home late, sleep . and so on. haiyaaa . let me tell you, i did love you . really love you for two months . eventhough you and me are nothing but friends and when you said you love me , i expected you to be faithful . i thought you were thaat type but when i heard it from her last night, that you were just the same old playboy type, i felt fooled . oh God, why do i even met you in the frst place and have to love you by then and get fooled /: SETUHHHPIDDD . yes, i admit, i was stupid to love you , a PLAYBOY . oh tsk . your statuses in fb, you're talking about faith and all, loner ? well then, i tell you. are you even having it ? hmms :/ idk why i'm still holding onto this . i've been saying i hate you,i'll move on, but i'm still considering to give you another chance in my heart . there's still a little hole of light coming froom that door for you . but i bet, ither girls have just shut the door close in your face . hmms :/ idk why . but i am just expecting you to change . i don't want to leave you, eventhough i've got hurt by you too much and this was the worst, the last . but i still want to get hurt and cry and still love you . and you, changing, being faithful :/ hmms, i may nt be your type but well then, i knew, it were not meant to be . this is for you . i'm just DISAPPOINTED, UPSET, ANGRY, REGRET towards you . i've had enough but this ain't enough . hmms .. thankyou for making me not wanting to love any guy again . all i knw, i'll take caution when it comes to love . till here then . :D talk to me only when you've changed to a person i want you to be . i've did what you wanted me to do . and now, this is the only thing i wanted from you . CHANGE , boy change . have a HEART to those you've played around with . be in me, be in them . thankyou :)
i'm still just expecting a better one coming :')
so yeaaaaa . i've got to knw something . Indeed, he's a STMF . he's a liar . he's unfaithful . oh boy . fvck it . you fvcked up my life . i wasted my tears . ehwaaaah . bagos eh ? syabas oiii :D hhahaha, well then, i'm moving on sucka . dont ever try to bullshit on me . wow, God did listen to my prayer . he splurted out your nonsense, you secret thru her. i didn't knew. oh for goodness sake, i'm leaving . urhhh, seriously , i'm lazy to give a care to this 'love' . oh wth . i dont care .
To eyra :
PINK EH PINK .alalalalal , bushukbushuk . heees ! kay diam . thnks for all those true words of yours . ternyate btol . help me move on from this boy . this taik kerbau boy -.- smack his ass baru tawu . issh ~ geram . menyesal . eheh, i love you :D hahahahah . thnkyou deh :D HMMS . i hope i'll find a better one soon .
I'm done with my blog ~ haaa, i knw .. my blog skin looks so lovelove . irrits but oh well, it takes quite a long time to make it nice and perfect , geees . :D
HMMS, guess what is MSBS . is his full name, lau tk slh, btol laah :/ hmms , pls, wbb, why are you doing this to me ? i can't take the pain . i read your status in fb , what does it exactly mean ? why be a loner, boy .. sedangkan i'm here waiting . ILOVEYOU ): i missed everything about you .. 3 more days .. pls, dont be like my ex dulu buat gyni paat i .. i dont knw whats wrong :/ why oh why ? hmms :/ please, come back :') haishhh .. whats wrong ? Life have been so down for me .
Sometimes i thought to myself, how did i love you .
& then, i'll smile to myself .
`and yeah , i'm glad to have someone to love . thankyou WBB for being there . and also thankyou, Zai for still loving me for sometime after we broke up :/ hmms ..
and i just hope, i'll find someone i've been finding for :D
- and last but not least ,
Labels: indeed ., Tiring day
woke up at 8.10 by mother . i was so sleepy tht i slept awhile back . and she nagged . i sat down . i opened my eyes slowly . replied texts and went to the toilet to shower . i took alot of time, trust me . mom was nagging outside the toilet -.- hehehe . and so, when i finished, izzat and mum were waiting for me . heeees . told eyra to go out . i put on my clothes, i wore my cntcts and put on simple make up . so yeaaa, went out and met eyra and took 335 to j.e int .
took the bus to jurong bird park and queued for the entrance ticket . and yeaaah, it was a longlonglong queue . heeees ! ade satu cute ^^ kaay, shhh . went in and took our food and chose a place to settle down and eat . we were hungry ppl, ohmyyy ~ so yeaaa . after eating, it was about to rain . we went to the what place and waited for the show but it didnt started -.- wtheeee . heees . so went other places and took pictures . i saw owl , ppl :) at the what dark area or whaat . hees, yeaaa . took pictures again . it started to rain heavily and we decided to go home . so, took the bus back to j.e int and we get to take pics inside the bus ;D tiring . ohmymyyyy ~ hees . yeaaa . went back home, me and eyra tros landing . yanaa slept, and then eyra . and then, eyra woke me up and we siap2 go buy our things and market . ate at teh tarik . we went back home, watched tasbih cintaa ♥ sent eyra home after that show . and here i am now, bored while listening to songs :/ haiyaaa . yanaa kept on thinking of I . yana tktawu asal .
but, pleasee . WBB . ♥ only
and to ex, yana tk sangke, you still read my blog .. hmms . and you're sad reading it ? i'm sorry :/ haiyaaa .
haiyaaa . and to that 'kentang' . pls eh, if you love me, prove me .
jgn kate pcl commiting suicide sume . lagi yana benci . tsk -.- tu sume yana tawu tipu . nk yana nye simpati ? oh god, no no . i wont give to that type of ppl . Tuhan bagi hidup, nak mati plaak ? haiyaaa :/ mengucap and istighfar please :)
Today woke up at 8.10 . supposed to wake up at 7.30 -.- i didnt notice the alarm . haiyaaa . so yeah gt ready and went out at 9.50 . we're latee ! we supposed to reach there at 9 -.- late by one hour, definitely . by the time we got there, the performance have finished -.- yanaa sad coz didn't get to see 'them' perform . ;/ haiyaaa . but atleast one but not tht person who perform . die diri, goyangkan bdn jek pt stage -.- then daah gitu, we ate at class . Nasi Ayam , ppl :D hehehehe . then, we go auditorium . geeees . took pictures with the asatizah and students :) this part i so like . ade die seh :) heheheheh . so, after that we have to take off the decorations :( we were terribly saad coz it was so nice, that we dont have the heart to throw it away . trust me .. then, we have this silent moment, i almost cried, thinking of smth . and i cnfessed to them, i admire someone . then, they guessed it right -.- yana like emmmm .. *laughs . ustazah came -.- i told them shut it but they grrr ! kan kau, daah amek kau . :/ haiyaaa . tkpehtkpeh . went up to class after taking out those decorations . clean the classroom and we went off . hmms :/ so, we were abt to take lift, and when i went in, they suddenly look at me , tell me, he was there . i was like smiling and just pretended nthg hppen :) heheheh . so yeaaaa . went up to level three, put things down and went home . eh, wait . we didnt went home . we bought ice cream, sat down at the void deck and took phtos . yeaa, alotalot . kind if, and video :) heheheh . so yeaa, aftr tht, went off . said gdbye to azri, salam ustazah, apologised if i did anything wrong and so on .. took bus to cousin's house .. bought smth frst then, went to my house . uploaded phtos in fb . so yeaa, any photos, in fb will do :) thnkyou .
` OMG . i didn't know he was that religious type . ohmyy, my type. pleaaseee ? hmms :/ when i heard abt him from them, yana melted coz i was like ohmyy, finding someone tht type . trust me .. he didn't look like one of those type but .. oh myy . he prays, he very :) awhhhh . but, there's a negative thing too . but, oh well . i just let time pass :) heees . i only admire him okay ? WBB tetap di hati <3 heees !
hmms, die di mana ? kite tk rpt lagy :/ i sedeh .
Labels: Packed week .
so yeaa, i woke up . and showered . have to rush to jyc to accompany ila to take forms . so yeaaa, then proceeded to meet cousin . we took 187 and dropped by to the nearest shop to buy water . and then, to the mosque . went into classroom and started doing work . alot of problems . but solved it, i think ? hmms, something did happen . we felt a quick vibration . not just a normal hp vibration but untul some of the chairs were making noises . and it happened only after the prayers are sounded . hmms :/ so at one point, it went terribly worse . we rushed out . it happened a few times :/ we were scared but ignored . haiyaaa, nothing hppened . :) but weird . hmms . and so, we were not able to finish it by todaay . and guess what time we went out of the mosque , 10 + . and we were supposed to go out earlier as the mosque supposed to close at 10 :/ haiyaaa . so yeaa . went to bustop . something hppened again :/ got worried . how ? haiyaaa ! hmms . problems,problems,problems . took bus and dropped one stop before my actual stop . wanted to buy food . so yeaa, with cousin . rezeki masok, alhamdulillah :D bought food, and went home . the area was damn dark and sunyi . hmms, walked home fast . and i reached fast :D thank God, and i went toilet . and here i am :/ oh boy, no text from him for the whole daay . kate2 yana btol ke ? harap tidak , hmms . yanaa mls laah nk lyn . and guess what, org daah cnfess paat yana mcm2 . sory , yana tk bermksod untuk buat korg rase gitu :/ pls jgn put on hig hopes . yanaa tknk . thnkyou . yana cume syg die jek, SATU . and yana dpt tawu A daah break ? biar btol ? fb mcm blm jek -.- pls tkmoh tipu yana .
yana is very exhausted today . and i'm really really hoping tht someone will guide me , thankyou :) hmms , haiyaaa .should not pressure myself this holiday . :) i just wanna have fun . grrr . i'll be waiting for your call or texts, dear <3
kaay, todaay will be talking in malaay , sorry ppl . i cnnt translate now . its like , so the lazy and tired . kaay ppl . hmms.
so, just now, slept at 4am -.- and i woke up at 7.15 to wake someone up -.- oh wtheee . baat was low so i charged and letak as silent -.- i was half awake, phmphm laah . nothing was on my mind except, waking tht someone up . and so i slept bck . was supposed to go masjid tapi kepenatan saya mengganggu everythng . bgos, syabas . i was awoken by abang's voice and Izzat 's . and i checked the timing . 2 pm ! omg ! then, i go to my phne , best . 7 missed calls and 6/7 new mcgs from all my friends :D wow . and so texted them . i still have the guts to bareng and all . i took my towel, and things and go shower . taak sempat mkn . haiyaaa :/ and agaain ppl, i nee dto plan what to wear . took out, chnge, took out, chnge . haiyaa, then done . siapsiap . dorg kol . ishhh ~ then they membebel . so, i wear . i looked at the mirror, guess whaat , i look abit older mcm cikgu2 atau org office nk py keje . but lawaah . i like . i have to rush to yunnan to buy paper but then, when i reached there, dorg kate tkyaah . BAGOS .SYABAS . hmms :/ and so, i went to bustop and bus came a min later :D and i reached masjid already :D with those baju, i open the class door . they looked at me :/ they were working . then, i looked at what they were doing . Udai thought i was ustazah or whaat . coz the way i dress like ustazah mane entaah . with my baju kotak2 coating my baju and tudung :D bgos . heheheh . saw french fries so i ate . heheheh, tktawu malu eh yanaa . masok lmbt, mkn :D so yanaa helped . mulot yana masen bile dorg spray balloon . i said ' kalau spray ballon tu nnty meletop ' yana kidding beh dorg spray daah gitu , tros meletop . bgos , paint sume kene lantai, dinding, baju, muke dorg . yana and hassan naseb daah jln . :D heheheh . suke yanaa . naseb lorr. and then daah gitu have to rush imm tio buy smth with udai . sempat beli mkn and air . hmms . daah gitu sume . mlm kene pindah classs . py tingkat tige . yana nk kuwa lift takot . gelap gile . hmms .. :/ dorg uh suroh yana kuwa . yana kuwa pndg bwh jek , tknk puseng, then baru dorg kuwa . haiyaa . go class . then do whatever that was supposed to do . then , packed things, and went home . took 98 /: sat down and someone called -.- daah gitu, yana terpndg luar . got amirul, kwn abg yana lame . then die tgk yana, yana terpndg die . yana sumpaah daah blur . kite eyecntct lame smbel yana bbl otp . tros yana pndg tmpt laen -.- syabas . balek then done :D hmms :/ yanaa pnt . bsk kene bgn awal and py masjid lagy . yana lapaar . haiyaaa :/ sape nk ikot yana kuwa ? heheheheh . leher yana saket . :D geees . kay shh, yana rindu WBB . heeee ! shhhh . ~ tata ppl :D
yana tknk masok in tht trap lagy . my days have been cnfusing with ppl around .
guide me , God . hmms . yana naak berubah . pleaase ?
kaay, for the mean time, let me update this boring blog -.- and and, guess whaat, my stomach is in pain so yeaaaaaah ? hmms .
woke up at 5 , called eyra but she didn't answer so texted . i bathe and then got ready . texted eyra and went out . i was holding onto this fvcking big plastic bag and its like swinging . mcm bwk ape siaao . then, i was supposed to like take the responsibility of bringing the boards . inside bus, gt one stop, got this one mly guy uh , handsome uh . heheheh . i daaaah mcm paiseh, tutuop muke jaap , heheheh . hmms, then alighted from the bus . stand beside ebuzz . and i was standing . then this one point, yana felt like wanted to look to my right, then there was the malay guy . we looked at each other , EYE CONTACT . then, i looked away . like grrrrr . then i stand like statue . Eyra was latee . from far saw her, she was smiling alr . she say i was like promoting smth like a statue :D i was like wearing red contcts and -.- went mac to buy breakfast . it was fvcking warm . hmms, then aftr eating, we go mrt int and we were kind of lost to where are we supposed to stop . but we did find our way there :D smart . kaay, shh . reached there, waited . hehehe, then proceeded to our stall which were located infront of takashimaya building . when we came, saw these guys just right behind our stall . wth -.- paiseh alr . but idc . hehs ! then , prepared and eyra braided her hair :D hmms, and so, we got our shirt and proceeded to toilet to change . and the rest came . we started our stall . and so, we put henna on them and so on . so yeaaa . had our lunch . weee , ;D EYE-MO pat sane byk . we like . kaay shhh . then after that, do the henna again . braided ppl's hair . and it came to an end . and guess what ppl, one of the guys behind the stall kacau i and starestare i . tk handsome uh -.- hehs, i was sitting alone jaap, die mcm tegor then yana terpusing . he said sorg , then i was like ah -.- then he asked my name and so on . wth, i lynkn . hmms . all the way keep on staring . and when we were to finish, we went toilet, touched up . Teacher treated us home ;D shhh, secret . heheeheh, this part i like byk gile babi EYE-MO . fuhhhhhhh, baeeeek :D hehehehehe, cute . hmms . then took cab home . my stomach like wtf, so paaaain . hehee . and so, i reached home . go toilet uh ape lagy :D hehehehe , sempat text LAKI ITU . hmms ... -.- haiyaaaaa , then, right i forgot to tell you . Misaki kept on saying i look like dolly . awhh, dolly cute kan . Liyana dolly eh ;D i like . hehehehe . hahahah, rmi tegor mate yana . orng putih pon sia . like ohmy god . hehehe, suke yana :D heehehe . kaay, shh . and so, now, i'm here . hahaha , texted someone . no replies ? taktawu jawabkah anda ? stuked . oh well, if you slame ni setie, i tkkn gyni . EYE-MO sume . wtf . andand, ade org txt i, tnye i maseh sygkn satu ex i tu tk . wtf -.- motive ? grr, ppl nowadays . maken lame maken WEIRD . heheheh . okaay , i'm done . saye mls nk stoory . saye nk fb :D geees . ngntok, pnt ;D text me ppl if i don't online .
i daah dpt reply ? kwn jek eh ? alhamdulillah ? well, idk what to say . all i know , i sygkn you . hmms , false hope ? -.- grrrr. geram nye . pompan tu daa ade mataer . ade rmi laki, bkn ape laah but , ohmyyyy ... asl ttp awak mcm nan die .. JEALOUS tu jealous but .. i have NO RIGHTS .
kaay bye XD
Hmms, wake up at around 10 or 11 and washed up . ate choc , bathe . got ready to go out . chose whaat to wear for like half an hour -.- hahahha . then, make-up . went out . texted eyra and mael . met at bnlay int and took bus 30 to wcp . waited for linda, suhaila and the bday boy . met the rest . we ate macdonalds first uh . heheheh /: then, took pic while waiting . they arrived, we played twister . gile babi pnye kekek . oops , ternmpk saye peh tooot . like ass . grrr . wow . noooo ! hmms .. then daah gitu, went mac to buy ice cream . and we headed to jp . hmms, daah gitu , jp bought their drinks, and took our bus home . hmms, well, looks plain boring but nehh, was quite fun . i reached home 8+ . yeaa, i got curfue . my mother wow strict peh ? hmmms, booo .
i checked his fb profile . wow, gerek . i sbr jek taw, thn .
daah gitu, i played comp . Izzat wanted to play . i was helping him y'knw . naak download kaan . but idk . father paat blkg accusing me mcm siaaal uh -.- hmms, daah fed up , tros O.o then he sepak me . wow . gerek . sepak eh kene ? wow eh , beh cekek aku ? best , rase die fuhhh -.- yana tgh mcm tkdeh mood pcl laki tu beh ni -.- mcm kimaaak . dah fed up gile babi . diam jek taww . yana sbr jek . serious uh . sepaak ? cekek ? best ? wow . best -.- serious eh, yana pissed .
And tolong eh, to the guys out there, kalau nak permainkan hati yana .
not to me, pompan cheap sane . -.-
wtf , yana tk bdh . yana mls nk entertain tawu taak ?
let everything hit you back eh ? try rase, baru tawu . hmms
and to that guy, thanks eh . wow, sungguh gerek dibuat aku gitu2 jek .
best, -.-
sungguh gerek eh mlm ini . /:
Neck saye maken saket sbb die cekek saye . wtf -.- must wake up early tmrw for the henna stall thingy -.-
Labels: Take good care .
do take care of yourself, ppl :)
today ? yeaaah, today . let me tell you .
woke up at around 1.30 then, got ready to go for workshop . gedebakgedebuk, after sorkshop went to bubbletea shop infront of my house to buy food. me and eyra were damn hungry . went to my house and slacked . and, eyra slept, i bareng2, mcgmcg . and then played comp for awhile and out we go . bought food and water and sent eyra home . hehs, daah gitu, went home . and here i am . awwhhh, ppl missing me . so sweet :/ alalalala bushuk2 satu hari nanti i meet korg . hehehe . shhhh :D
and i'm bored . i'm still craving for pizza :/ shhhh ,
Bye .
i must admit it . hmms ...
and, i am missing you .
you miss me also right ?
boleh feelfeel eh ? haha !
Labels: I knew it, that today is not a good day :/
in silence, you have alot of girls in mind .
see, stupid of me to trust you again ..
hmms, no matter what i'll still love you :/
and i just hope, you'll realize one day .
sentiase saye berdoa untuk itu terjadi , insyaAllah . amin .